
“Let me repeat with quite force: I was, and still am, despite mes malheurs, an exceptionally handsome male; slow moving tall, with dark soft hair and a gloomy but all the more seductive cast of demeanour.”

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Having Amy Adams as the star might get the movie made and get some people in the theater but can she do anything like this?

(I have no training as a dietician nor nutritionist, so this post has zero credibility)

Medical researchers are investigating the possiblity that sucrose (table sugar) and fructose (as sourced from high fructose corn syrup), despite caloric equivalence, provoke different responses in satiation.

If that research holds

Well said.

Ouch. Give him a chance. What did this guy do to deserve such hate and loathing?

Twilight fandom hasn't really transferred into other roles.

Cosmopolis: Averaged less than $1k per day per theater after one week in release.

It makes sense that his fan base of 12-year olds wasn't rushing to see an R-rated David Cronenberg movie about a currency trader that included a scene of him getting a prostate

Just finished watching Top of the Lake — NO SPOILERS HERE. Then promptly read a bunch of message boards to see people's opinions/theories. One person commented that Thomas M. Wright (Johnno) should be in a rom-com with Jennifer Garner. Does she still do those?

They can start selling this any time they want.

I am in the middle of it now. My respect for Elizabeth Moss has transcended all time and space and entered a new realm.

police have no jurisdiction inside the colony

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This is a quality movie, made with a lot of heart. Totally agree about that DVD cover though—whether it's from racism, sexism, ignorance or inept marketing, it completely misrepresents the film.

Who knows what they're thinking as they flaunt themselves.

File under "Don't especially care about the Kennedys, but look at this family resemblance:"

Jacqueline Kennedy (from your lead picture) and one of Caroline Kennedy's daughters (from the NYT):

I wouldn't call it scary. Emotionally wrenching? Don't watch it alone—you will want to talk about it immediately afterwards.

I saw the movie with only a vague idea of the plot. I'm not French, I'm not Jewish, Sarah doesn't look like my daughter, I don't know anyone whose relatives were in the Holocaust, so no triggers for me.

I was shattered.

The movie is well made, the girl who plays Sarah is extraordinary, the current/flashback plot

I am glad I saw the movie, but at the same time my heart was torn out and left in sobbing pieces.

I don't care if Kristin Scott Thomas looks like she's 150. If she keeps making movies as good as Sarah's Key, she's doing fine.

Not a problem if Johnny Depp quits acting, but how about a Stevie Ray Vaughan biopic first?

I have not read the book and did not know that.

Apparently Chord is his given name. According to his wiki bio, four of his siblings are named Summer, Harmony, Skye and Charity.

He is a regular on Glee. He guested on The Middle last season and has a very relaxed, natural acting style with no snark at all.