Zoe Butcher

In Bruges was very good, but Farrell's performances can be very hit and miss. Remember Alexander? LOL.

Not sure what we can do about it though, because neither party wants to end the war on drugs so voting for a different candidate doesn't change anything. How is that my fault or yours or anyones? The government has a vast military. We couldn't stop them if we wanted to, the only thing we can do is speak up about it

With Vince Vaughn acting and Justin Lin directing how could anyone not think this season is going to be a severe downgrade from the first season of TD?

We get all the drugs, they get all the beheadings. Not very fair, but I wouldn't blame Americans, I'd blame our government's war on drugs for that. It's been an abject failure for everyone involved except for private prisons, the government, and cartels. PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK! So there is only one reason it still

Sebastian's just smarmy. Smug. I like Fausto's blunt style. He doesn't bullshit and rarely if ever gives not one but two fucks about much of anything. He's been a fascinating character to watch, especially as I mentioned, because he deals with tons of cash and looks like a common day laborer. He's played his character

Hope if it gets renewed they keep Eleanor, because Franka's been solid all season. Also, I'm really going to miss Fausto Galvan, he's been spectacular for two seasons. Maybe they can keep him alive and in prison so the detectives can tap him for info. Sebastian will not be as dark of a character as Fausto, so I'm

There have definitely been flaws to this season, and the Linder storyline would be one of them certainly, it's one of the arcs that continued on from season one and it's almost like his character was written into a corner along with Annabeth Gish's character. I really thought she was more of a survivor than she turned

I'm going to take a wild guess, and say you realized Prometheus was a pos film about the same time I did, when the biologist Millburn decided to try and pet the hissing space cobra. Am I rite? ;P

It came from their imaginations.

Exactly. It's just amusing that the fanboys are reduced to trying to manufacture fan-fiction and theories to fill in all the plot-holes and weak writing to defend it.

They all keep assuming we just "don't get it". It's too high brow. We missed the point that there are two factions of engineers. The warring faction and the peaceful creator faction. lol.


I like it! But it should be a short film. Like 5 minutes long. Noomi and David's head board the craft and David tells her to press the bright red button. She asks what is it? He says start engines! She says oh ok! Presses it and the craft explodes. The end.

I find it ironic that Noomi's character is driven by the question why? So was I when contemplating all the people that were involved in the making of this film.

The IMDB Prometheus board continues to be one of the funniest places on the internet. There are fanboys that will defend this movie until their last dying breath there.

It was too short, had a silly story, and the scientists. Oh the scientists. Apparently all you need to be a scientist in a Ridley Scott film is a lab coat and zero common sense. Why did they touch everything? Why did they mess with everything? Why did the cartographer who had mapped the entire cave system get lost in


If he makes Blade Runner 2 then that'll be two film franchises completely marred by poor decision-making. Ridley, excuse me, I meant to say Sir Ridley. Have you ever heard the saying "Quit while you're ahead?" ;)

He's right, but I would go one step further, Prometheus 2 doesn't need to even be made because the first one was one of the most unintentionally humorous illogically bad sci-fi films of the past two decades.

Personally I thought this episode was the best of the three. It had a flow and a rhythm to it and it seemed to be touching all the bases that I originally thought was going to have to happen after watching last week's episode, mainly that Jax seems to be turning all the gangs against one another. My main question is