Zoe Butcher

I cried at the baby crying. Both scenes. It broke my heart just picturing infant meningitis.

I think the score is perfect in a way, because these doctors are pushing the boundaries of science and technology as fast as these tools were being invented, and so it's a strangely futuristic show to me despite the fact that we are delving into a hospital that takes place in a time a century earlier than the present.

Well there's definitely online recipes for laudanum. I had just looked them up! ;)

It would almost be worth going to the trouble of growing poppies to refill the bottle with tincture of opium for authenticity's sake!

I will do so right now! Thanks Mindy! What a great article! Thanks so much! I'll post it here in case any others would like to read it. :)

Does it still have the laudanum in it? Ha!

It feels as though Soderbergh has somehow transported a camera crew and actors and actresses back in time and shot a tv show. There's something very staged and theatrical to me about the way Boardwalk Empire is shot versus this show, this feels immediate and past-present and organic. Alive. Raw. The visuals almost

I cannot get enough of this show. I'd be crushed if it ever got canceled. This is the best tv show I've ever seen. There's just something about it that feels very authentic. I'm so excited to be able to watch all the episodes in a row like a giant movie once this season ends!

Not enough of a slow burn for me but it's no surprise that I liked the first half more than the second.

Agreed. If any American government organization would be involved with cartel doings it would be the ATF/DEA.

Yet she neglects to mention where home is, and what the tree looks like and in what desert the tree would be in. No info whatsoever. That's all i'd say to her as well, sure thing. lol. I'll get right on that.

I see what you meant about the spoiler post on Gish over on SoA. I had apparently missed Raksasha. That sucks. She was one of the better things about this show. They just wrote her character into a corner for some reason and had to kill her. How in the world is her moron boyfriend still kicking and she riding around

Matthew is really great on the Bridge. Some of his breakdowns involving drugs and alcohol are very well done. Some of the best character acting I've seen on tv or film.

I really wish the writers would ease this show's throttle on down a bit and explore characters and basic procedurals a bit more, because as it is it feels like it's trying to compete with Sons of Anarchy for the most action-oriented show on tv. It's unnecessary. If the plot would get out of the way of the characters

Agreed. Jax should've realized it was someone inside his own club that did it because that's who her testifying would threaten, and no other club or outside influence knew what Tara was going to do, but the problem is that Jax just isn't that smart of a guy, if he were he would've left with Tara and abandoned his club

I would change that to if Gemma says sweetheart. You'd die of alcohol poisoning. Seriously. ;)

Bobby can only pipe up and set things straight once every two seasons. He's a very patient man.

"Who knows, maybe Annabeth Gish can light a fire under this thing."

She was probably a hooker and an armed one at that, and the other two preachers were just into cuckolding fantasies I'd guess, unless that was the one guy's wife which would make it a real cuckolding scene. Yuck either way.

I just feel like their relationship has been far too close, very Shakespearean, and so only an intimate murder will do. That's the most intimate way to kill someone or so I've heard. ;)