Zoe Butcher

The songs were absolutely otherworldly and haunting this episode. I have never heard anything like it.

"So it’s not a great sign that we’re three episodes into The Knick and I’m already suffocating in the folds of all that unnecessary dialogue."

Everyone's just so quick to judge and is unable to give it at least a season to gauge the work. In truth, i was just as harsh with the Leftovers, but I've kept watching it, and also spoke up when I actually liked a T:L episode(2 so far, The priest episode, and the Patti episode), anyways I'll keep watching it and hope

If you flipped this argument 180 degrees you'd find my position. I was never moved by the Leftover's bombastic oft repeated ad-nauseum main soundtrack theme, it doesn't help that everyone's a nihilist or the emotional equivalent of an emo tween with borderline personality disorder. That series is sortof built around

Soderbergh is using digital now, and the Knick looks incredible.

Ep 1: A-
Ep 2: B-
Ep 3: A

Idk, were you bored with Rust Cohle? He was pretty one-note going on and on about the pointlessness of all things, also Dr. Masters in Masters of Sex, rather aloof like Thackery. Try watching it another time. You might just not be in the mood for what I would describe as period piece procedural exploratory art. I feel

Completely disagree on this letter grade. This was a strong A to me, back to what made the pilot so bizarre and strong, but this episode was even stronger to me, because we're watching two completely different hospitals operating under the same roof, one black market, and the other, well, not much better than the one

Please be sarcasm. Please oh please oh please.

Sorry Damon, you could donate all your blood to the plasma bank, you could empty your bank account and write a check to Amnesty International, you could rescue a kitten from a tree, adopt a mutt one day before he/she is to be put down, jump into a freezing river to rescue an injured family of Guatamalan refugees who's

I am serious if you were talking to me. All Tarantino does is revenge flicks. It's the same underlying plot structure to just about every film.

I don't know, GOTG director seemed to have a lot of input and style, as long as you hit all the main plot points you could write the characters any way you saw fit.

I didn't say he should be "forced" I said he should voluntarily experiment with it and see if it doesn't cause him to be more interested in angles, oners, experimental directing, strange editing, etc. His last few films have been so un-auteur like after the quite brilliant Pulp Fiction in both writing AND directing it

You move like a pregnant yak.

…and there's my point. He's basically making films he wants to watch in his own theater dungeon and his 9 film buff buddies who know every single line and frame of every film in the history of histories. The rest of us are just peeking in to see if he's going to rehash the same revenge grindhouse storyline once again.

and where exactly are we going to watch it in 70mm? Most theaters are digital projectors now and the few that still have them, namely a few IMAX theaters sparsely scattered across the nation will probably down-convert the image to 65mm, won't they?

His dogged stubbornness to refuse to shoot in digital and his basically remaking the same film(besides pulp fiction) over and over again irks me. Don't get me wrong, all of his movies are great, the writing is very good, and the actors are always having a blast in his parts, but he just doesn't seem to want to stretch

Huh? You volunteer to go on a naked dating show, you then get naked and date, and when they block it out on television suddenly you feel some shame and hear dollar signs ringing because your grammy pitched a fit about seeing you naked and enjoying yourself? I hope she not only loses completely, but also has to pay

You missed my metaphor I think. lol. My point was why are we so weirded out by talking about the fact that every single person you know, I know, and even us will die, will cease to exist in the most shocking of times and ways most often least when we expect it. I mentioned the tight-rope metaphor, but I think an even

This was a great episode. Very twisted, very fascinating, and completely sexy. It was this episode that got me to thinking, in every generation of people 99.9% of them are born into this world and accept without question the rules of the game, with the game being whatever the country has set rules for while you are