Zoe Butcher

I can't find the movie I'm thinking of in particular on IMDB in her list of films, it was sortof a low budget slow-burn horror film and she was just horrible in it, but it was also a bad movie.

I still think it was a MAJOR blunder to have the central theme of the show be time is a flat circle and not have made the ending loop back into the beginning. I was fully expecting it to somehow tie back into the opening scene in the cane field.

Even though she's American? I think she grew up around Dallas if I remember right.

Well let's make a bet right here and now that I believe Nic will throw a crate-full of red herrings and teasers into S2 and will probably go full supernatural because a lot of people wished S1 would have. He was genuinely hurt that a lot of people didn't like the finale(I was one of them). That finale was like


I loved top of the lake and I thought she did a good job but I've also seen a couple of her early movies and she was very wooden.

I'm just disappointed we didn't get Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain is all.

S2 will not be as good I doubt, but perhaps Pizzolatto has observed what people were actually interested in the most, which was tons of mystery and supernatural shit. I'm hoping he'll go full-tilt this time and actually come up with something bat-shit crazy. He would've had to have been living under a rock to not

Not my fav actress nor is she a big name but she did ok on Top of the Lake. I'm surprised she would want to jump right from one detective show to another, but I'm not surprised as the same cinematographer was used for both series so there is a connection between the two.

Fuck your daughter was funny because we're all thinking it. ;)

I doubt it. It was a fantastic example of a click-bait review and it got a ton of comments. I wouldn't be surprised if other reviewers noticed and are thinking about doing some mid-level trolling themselves! Job security!

But why did she get an insurance claim filled when most others are caught in limbo since they aren't technically dead?

I re-watched that last minute quite a few times! It's a shame they couldn't continue it.

How could you possibly NOT puke after eating that? lol

Ahh. So she was recounting how she got her first acting gig and not UtD. I guess I got that impression because they were just talking about UtD immediately before it. That makes more sense now.

HAHAHA! That cracked me up, madmeme! <3

Apparently you haven't seen her Letterman interview. I guess I'm about as ignorant as someone who didn't bother to read the rest of the thread to see where I got it from. You're 100% right. I should've considered what she said on Letterman a bald-faced lie on general principle and immediately headed straight to IMDB

If I were drunk just reading that post would probably make me hurl.


That's disgusting.