
This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.

Nah she meant what she meant. A woman whose body is outside the realm of haughty white chaste sexuality is to be admonished to emphasize how it’s wrong and you wouldn’t dare cause you’re “good” or whatever bullshit thing white women have used to belittle women of color because they’re threatened that they won’t be in

No, to wonder is fine. There’s a ton of shit that everyone hasn’t been exposed to. It’s the ongoing insistence that it’s not “real words.”

This is an excellent way to unite the party, by relentlessley making fun of Bernie’s supporters, calling them “Bernie Bros”, children, spoiled, racist and by cherry picking one or two hold-outs and acting as if that’s all his supporters, despite poll after poll showing Hillary pulling in 90% of us, far more than the Hi

How about Benghazi where it is well documented that she lied (her husband was impeached on lying about something far less important)

Why are you asking a pointed question to try to push the Bernie bro image that was disproven before the Hillary campaign and DNC even kicked it off?

It’s just you.

These are the kinds of threads and comments that make me really hate reading Jezebel sometimes. I’m not a white male, and I’d be chanting right alongside those people if I were at the convention. I guess the voices of non-white, non-male protesters don’t count. They are literally never acknowledged. It’s been this way

Not just you.

Not the place for #notallwhitepeople. I heard a young BLM organizer say it so succinctly just last Monday: “If this were happening to any other group of people it would be considered an epidemic. And something would be done to stop it.”

This comment would make sense if she was fucking talking about middle class people in general, but clearly she was talking specifically about white, middle class, educated people. Don’t project your inability to separate class from race onto her.

You’re right. I’m sure she absolutely meant to write

Many people allege this fund is being used to persuade (read “buy”) superdelegate votes from these states.

She does well with OLDER African Americans, ie the over 45 crowd. I assume many of the younger folks are voting Sanders but more older people are actually voting. If I can find a statistics based on average age of voters I’ll post it.

Actually, the main reason she was elected was because she was pushing to find out the truth about the state of the water. She’s spent her entire time in office trying to fix this — and being ignored.