
There’s three things that could be going on.

Yeah people suck. Odds are they are all teenagers who don’t know how they fit into society yet. They think they are just being funny, or they feel these thoughts themselves and are projecting. Also gang mentality and anonymity play a roll as well. The more people who are also acting this way means I should do it to

Kind of just sounds like he wants to be able to drop F-bombs and generally be ~edgy~ without having to deal with the fact that his primary subscriber base is kids-to-teenagers playing a game he himself got into when he was a teenager. No problem with that, I feel; but let’s just call it what it is:

Seems like the place to put this:

Can you imagine, being a US citizen and going through all the trouble of buying that given the restrictions only to pull the panties down and get an eyeful of mosaic pixels.

It will be hacked, for sure. If there is a thing, it will be hacked. And then it will be used to watch porn.

To everyone who says this was meaningless, I posted this in the private forum early on:

A Zelda game is never late. Nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to.

A lot of people are vague when talking about the endings so I’ll try to be more specific without spoiling anything.

The first five endings are more like one single game. You get ending A and unlock a totally new story that leads to ending B and so on up to D. They aren’t five optional endings. You simply get them by

Man, Morrowind was an excellent game with great art direction, but graphically it has not aged well.

The flip side is that leaving open questions and trickling out details over the next few weeks will keep us talking about this thing through March 3.

Lesson of the day: don’t answer questions that haven’t been asked.


In the same sense there is no other reason than morality not to piss in your mom’s coffee before bringing it to her on New Years Morning...

No matter the cause, the *wild* speculation and conspiracy theorizing isn’t a flattering look to a lot of these people. They’re just waving charts, pointing at things and making stuff up. It’s a slightly nerdier version of that video of the woman spraying vinegar into the air, screaming at clouds to make the

Have to say, the RAM driver did a great job getting his truck slid into just the right position.

Clear solution. Get a smaller tv...

I am most hyped for “The Armory” , no need to play Tetris in my inventory anymore