
These would be more interesting with actual numbers of units sold. Anyway, I have been playing Diablo 2 again myself in anticipation of 3... took about an hour of hunting through my crawl space for the play disk but I found it.. boooya

oh no..

first, people who think Bioware is talking about releasing barebones games and then charging PC users for DLC must not be very familiar with them.

I kinda feel sorry for the dev team that had to work on this..

Awesome read, thanks Kotaku

fuck rainbows

For Crysis in particular I can believe the piracy rate is nearly what they say it is and I can tell you why. The game at release was too heavy for 99% of the current hardware in use.. The word spread quickly of low performance and high requirements, nobody wants to pay for a game they are not sure will be playable

I'm one of those people who bought it just for the emulators shortly after PSP was released. Though, both my PSP and DS have been gathering dust for months, the only time I pick up the PSP lately is to check for DA's latest firmware update.

Red is much more intimidating.

also PC games are usually cheaper than their console counterpart. I picked up Mass Effect on release day for 39.99

People who complain that it takes some kind of cutting edge PC to compete with console standards are so far off base its hilarous.

well, I think it's safe to assume konami set guidelines for IGN's review. ;)

@NeoAkira: A single title.. as an avid console supporter, PC detractor and dismisser of entire generes I would think your huge head could do better than that.

@NeoAkira: you "debunk" nearly twenty PC titles yet give a single PS3 title as an example of how innovative PS3 is? ok you win.

PC demolishes all consoles in all aspects, deal with it fanboys.

@Chewbenator: Billy would never agree to participate in that half-baked "lolz, we saw king of kong and T2! lol" G4 show. Steve is a tool.

I really hope they are not trying to do more than just the trailer.. the joke got old after about 45 seconds.

@Palladium: but Master Chief and Cloud [i]are[/i] gay.

as stated already, video freezes + bad AR.