
@psychiccheese: That would still be recoverable to an extent. You would need to physically destroy the platters to make them unrecoverable.

Not sure I want my knives being held by magnets, if they are bumped and they fall....

but then you realize that you cannot see your device without your glasses on. D:

@Bogus83: Yeah, for me that feels too cluttered. I think you should get a dock, much nicer :D

@Bogus83: the dock was not invented by Apple. It was actually created by stardock (same people who make the dock I am using).

@Marand: I personally like the default orange Ubuntu (assuming that is still default), however I could never find a reason to actually use the OS.

@Vrank92: The thing is, all of these "green" products tend to be of worse quality than their normal counterparts. Like game cases. They remove half of the plastic material, making them too damn flimsy. Same with water bottles. Take the new sun chip bags for example, they are loud as fuck. 95 dba. I have no problem

@Bogus83: I'll take my customized Win7 over Ubuntu any day.

@Vrank92: I would rather live with what is listed than sacrifice my lifestyle.

I am so tired of all this "Oh and it's good for the environment!"

Wait, how can this be a sculpture if each point can be chosen anywhere? Wouldn't it be pretty much a field of "stars" then?

Grizzly bear? Possibly, but not these kind of bears.

I did a current biology presentation on consciousness for 10th grade bio, they still know pretty much nothing about it.

@lewis82: It needs to be, they are warning the aliens that the holocaust is a lie.

@bobbobato: They probably wouldn't use modern forms of data storage, they would "decay" far too quickly.

@jedimaster: I prefer the "Vote all of the progressives out of office in november" option.

Is there a way to prevent the government from gaining access to all of my health records?

"subjected to images of other nude children"

Wait, so what you are saying is that Apple is taking a base product, adding Apple to it and selling it for more? Should I be alarmed? They do it with computers.