
Can this be done for the major game publishers please? I want to see Koticks approval rating....

Damn. I was so excited for the first one, until I opened it and realized that it is no where near wallpaper sized :(

Did you really need to torture us with that song in the video? Cool tip though.

@Fronzbot: because it really matters, right?

@octasquid: It depends what your FPS tolerance is. For me I can't stand below 40 FPS. Many people are willing to play in half that.

@ddhboy: Yet it still wins with less RAM at high resolutions in almost all games.

@hcho321: Discrete != Onboard

@ddhboy: Actually, the 460 768MB version costs the same as the 5830.

@octasquid: But driver maturity plays a real factor. At release the GTX 470 was trading blows with the 5850. A few months later the GTX 470 is now about on par with or better than the 5870.

@learniiburn: while sitting on a toilet doing the thing he never does

Have fun scratching up the surface it is sitting on.

Wait, you mean no one has seen 2001 and 2010? It is obviously a rectangular monolith.

I find this unlikely to be real. I want to see it for real please.

Who cares? By now everyone know that EVERYTHING causes cancer....

"I hope/assume he made it out of there alive."

@00Red: OSX lacks the vast choices for software, read what I told tech42er.

@tech42er: I never said that Macs lack software for certain things, however Windows offers far more variety and options for software. Sure a Mac may have one choice for software, but a windows PC will have at least 10 programs that can do the same function, most of which are freeware. From my personal experience (I