
How is this remotely realistic?

So I hear Monster cables are the best way to go?

I think many of the things that fall under "Annoying the Hell Out of Everyone" are actually funny as some others have posted. I am not the one doing them anyway.... Besides everything can run crysis these days? I would hope anyway.

@Vandell: Good. I want the 360 to die. Besides, I think a 3rd party was making one.

How is a public location fair game? I seem to remember not to long ago that a guy filmed and put on youtube a video of a cop pulling his motorcycle over and pulling the gun on him. He got in legal trouble for that because the cop never gave permission.

@Thorax: such as? I can make bold claims without backing them up too:

@b33g33: But Sarah Paling is not a journalist...

Good. I personally found Avatar in IMAX 3D not all that impressive. Sure the graphics were top notch, but the 3D just didn't add much to it.

@Hello Mister Walrus: You mean something you use every single day for a wide variety of tasks is as crazy as something with one use that would be used almost never?

@PoG: Oh, you!

Does it allow you to email your high water usage to others so you can brag about not caring?

@Polybius: But it is most definitely not utilizing CUDA. Why would NVIDIA allow a 3rd party physics system to utilize that on their GPUs when it competes with PhysX?

@Canoehead: "Whereas naval Phalanx systems fire tungsten armor-piercing rounds, the C-RAM uses the M246 or M940 HEIT-SD (High-Explosive Incendiary Tracer, Self-Destruct) ammunition, originally developed for the M163 Vulcan Air Defense System.[17][26] These rounds explode on impact with the target, or upon tracer

@Canoehead: This is used at sea to protect carriers. Not really an issue.