
Seems to take far longer than the chain gun variant. Not sure I would want that when there are missiles heading towards my ship.

What about mythbusters.

@Bathtub69: Probably CPU, unless it utilized CUDA, which is unlikely.

@Iowa11: Nice seats. Everything looks closer than at the metrodome...

I saw some of these in vegas a few years ago. The palm tree one.

@Slinkytech: They don't need to. We are copying them...

@Iowa11: So I wasn't the only one. Target Field is the best :)

I fail to see the importance. Everyone knows that facetime requires WiFi. So he must have WiFi. Everyone knows about satellite internet as well. Hence one can assume he is doing something no different than someone sitting at home on their wifi which happens to be based on satelite internet.

@tj: But I like memes....

But what percentage of apps are actually decent? Now that is the question.

@FordGTGuy: da Vinci was a huge dumbass....

Knapping ftw...

@dambo29: I read 2012 somewhere... So no one will ever get the phone but AT&T depending upon the month it expires...

Why am I surprised? This is gizmodo.

I really wish I could get a droid. But the $30 a month data is just outrageous.

Should I get a Droid? For $20...

@rattyuk: I am just saying, they might actually be a decent company and have decent computers if they actually were reasonably priced for what you get.

@rattyuk: It is not hard to have a high profit margin when your hardware is so overly priced.

@Zonky: Your point seems valid...