I should have started my sentence with ‘And’. Because antibiotic misuse in humans (1 in 3 prescriptions in the USis unnecessary) is also a problem.
I should have started my sentence with ‘And’. Because antibiotic misuse in humans (1 in 3 prescriptions in the USis unnecessary) is also a problem.
Is there anyone in Trump’s administration that’s not a fucking hypocrite?
Thanks, doctors, giving antibiotics to every patiënt with a common cold.
Why would it be such a problem for Barron to change school mid year but not for Arabella Kushner? Maybe because Melania doesn’t wat to be in the vincinity of Donald, but Ivanka is very eager to be in the heart of Washington?
But cheeeeeese!
Clashing reds.
You made a typo. ‘The guy ruining the White House.’
Unbelievable. NOTHING in the Dutch media about this. If it were a muslim assaulter that shouted ‘Allahuh Akhbar’ while shooting, it would be all over the front pages of newspapers.
He clearly doesn’t know what a girls bathroom looks like.
How does it make sense to call the media dishonest when they expect Clinton to win, based on polls, but in spite of that, the outcome of the election turns out different than expected?
Betty, Trump is making tenthousands and hundredthousands and milions of new American jobs, just pick one and quit school. All that reading is bad for your eyes anyway.
“To be honest, I inherited a mess. It’s a mess.”
Jeau Trudeau.
Thanks. Your explanation sounds very sympathetic. Pre-wedding dinner would be a more appropriate name though.
My pregnancies were a walk in the park. Even being pregnant with twins. Never felt better. Nevertheless, I totally agree with you: nobody has to go trough with this unwillingly.
Oh, okay. I got married unrehearsed.
Iew. If he fucks like he shakes hands...
Canada takes as litte refugees per capita as the US (roughly about 0,5%), but markets itself as refugee welcoming nation by having Trudeau hug every one of them at the airport.
What ís even a rehearsal dinner? I am not familiary with the custom. Why do you have to rehearse dinner? Is it to practice table manners?
You are right, but both Donald and Melania do not come across as rational, reasonable or coherent thinking people, so it’s anybody’s guess what their motivations are.