
Definitely Lauren. Contrarian Yinzer Media shitheels don’t give as much of a damn about Pittsburgh sports front offices as her. She’s already grossly overestimated the relative size of the Pittsburgh market to make the Pirates look like the Dollar Bill Wirtz-era Blackhawks, and phrased it in the most condescending New

Bell was drafted two years after that CBA was negotiated, so he didn’t really approve it. At no point has he been able to set a price for his services.

I think this is one of those rare situations where both sides are right.. Bell for his obvious reasons, and just maybe instead of being the “evil” org deadspin loves to spin on ownerships, the steelers dont want to fill their salary cap up with a RB who already has a lot of wear and tear. Both sides are doing what is

Damn. I can’t tell who’s more salty about all of this... Bell, the O-line or Lauren.

I like that this dickshit says no one wants to cause a Constitutional crisis by invoking the 25th when that would be the exact fucking opposite of a Constitutional crisis, since it’s a specific Constitutional remedy for this exact fucking situation.  Fuck this coward who wants to think this will save him/her.

ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.

It’s almost like these people (Conservatives) never think this shit through.

Go for it Roy.

This is this dude’s first-ever post lol

Man if you could capture the testosterone that was flowing there and convert it into a battery, you’d have enough to run an electric tooth brush for 0 seconds.

Why you disrespecting me bro?!

Alphas? Ha!

isn’t this how the zombie apocalypse starts? :D

No, it was an incident by a mentally disturbed lone wolf, duh.

Not sure that’s true about the Steelers (or Bell) “deserving” anything. Both parties are playing by the rules set down in the CBA. The Steelers exercise their leverage, Bell exercises his leverage.

The official GOP response:

Haha, it’s funny because the president looking the other way because of a personal financial interest is the literal definition of corruption.

Please attempt to “randomly rest” your hand in the same way Zina Bash did during the hearing and let us know if it feels natural.

Your first instinct is this is just a bad picture catching him in an awkward position and the sane people are trying to make him look bad.

Kavanaugh seems to be the model of efficiency, demonstrating he’s a garbage human without wasting our time wondering if he’s got an iota of a scintilla of decency about him