
“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

A reminder of what i’ve believed for a while now, that some aspects of black culture are very disturbing & very scary yet we remain quiet about it. Nothing is sacred & nothing deserves respect and history does not matter. And sadly, some of the artists who calculatingly degrade us and the black experience, are some

What do you expect from a person who posts footage of herself getting finger banged to Instagram? We can call whorish behavior “empowerment” all we want most rational people will admit they don’t want their daughters looking up to these celebrities as role models.

She (Bernice King) added that she looked forward to talking to Cardi soon.

He was only texting to get directions on how to stay away from there.” - Tom Izzo

Take a good long look at 45 addressing his cult. The people in that room don’t believe in Jesus - they believe in the holy dollar. And 45 is their pope.


So the winning side (Democrats) would trigger violence because they won? Sounds like someone’s grasping at straws.

I mean, guy was a sitting Senator who died in office. I thought he was awful, but of course his death is a big deal and demands news coverage.

If she is not capable of doing her job adequately, she should not have that job.  If she is afraid of potentially dangerous situations, she should not be a police officer.  She knew those risks before she applied, and she knew she was not supposed to murder unarmed men.  There is no excuse. 

What a stupid and cruel decision to hire this unpunished murderer. I think we are at the point where everyone in law enforcement needs to be fired and we just start over again.

Can’t have the inmates running the prison

I don’t understand any of these coaches who just froth at the mouth and treat their players like shit. You’re coaching NFL players - the literal best of the best at their job in the world. There’s no need to treat them like 6-year-olds.

Gregg Williams is a bounty of bad takes.

The reason is that this is such a big deal is that Americans care more about semiotics, symbols and catchphrases than substance. Salute the marine at the helicopter, flag pins, hand over your heart, applaud the random soldier they bring to your football, hockey, baseball, etc. game, take off your hat, etc.

You could

Trump is just a petty little asshole. There is no nice way to say it. He is just a petty little asshole.

“One day when Trump takes his last wheezing breath, let there be a single mention in the news and no lowering of the flag to half mast. Deny the monster that which he most craves — attention and respect.”

who ever could have suspected that this whole thing would end in acrimony??

I have respect for law enforcement, but what happened here does not paint cops in a good light.