
My favorite aunt and uncle lived right by the T and the puppet theater! Love that neighborhood, still see it in my dreams.

Having met two of the three (not the girlfriend, but I've heard a great deal about her from a friend whose judgment I trust), I'd say that IMO the actual scenario is manager=big bag of dicks, girlfriend=perfectly decent human being, and Beagle=the rest of us should only hope to be so impaired at 76.

Coming in late, but I just finally watched the whole thing, and it looks like the answer in-show is no — he writes HELP ME on the glass wall but everyone ignores it. Not just Jessica, but Trish and Clemons are entirely unaffected by it, and Jeri frees him but was going to do it anyway for her own selfish reasons.

Ah ha ha! It's a horrible sickness. I'm only half Greek, and have a fraught and difficult relationship with the Greek half of the family, and yet, just like every other Greekish person I know, I can name every even marginally Greek marginally famous person in America and cannot stop myself from reflexively pointing it