
My old e36 M. Dropped it and took out that silly s50 for a 1jz (toyota! gasp!) It drove just fine..

Sounds dangerous.

I have never heard of this "leftover whiskey". What is that?

Just give us THIS.

As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

Reading stuff like this makes me sad.

Done right:

Is this guy pissing in the gas tank?

what is this?

It's a Fiat 130 coupe. On its stock wheels even.

Diesel G-wagens.

I'll wait until 2015 to bring in a Norton F1:

Jensen Interceptor.

I live in Europe, but I'd ship an E30 Touring. I was actually preparing such a thing until the US jalop I was going to ship it to bought an e46 instead.

I do agree.