
Maybe this is what pumpkin spice withdrawal looks like.

My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.

“You’re not in charge, shut up and get the fuck out of the car!”

To those of the blue lives matter who always scream”why didn’t you just comply?” Because negroes see white people acting like maniacs to cops all of the time...but nothing happens to you especially even when you were guilty. So we figure & hope that us just politely asking one legit question...won’t almost get us

“There are aspects about this video that simply do not represent our organization.”

I hatteeeeeeeee this excuse. Honestly I would much rather you say “I voted for him because I think its about time blacks, immigrants and bitches learned their place.” All of this useless “well we needed a change” bullshit is infuriating. As if your completely cavalier attitude toward all minority populations and basic

If we allow black women to sleep, then we allow black women to dream. Can’t have that.

Hey, friendly reminder.

I’m beginning to think Meghan McCain is a bit of an asshole

...or an impressionist’s view of a Klan rally.

They’d be covered in KFC grease.

And miss out on Michael Pena’s Luis?

No thanks.

I know what really matters in these movies.

I’ve always felt that I’d be a happier person and have an easier go of it in life if I’d been born just a little bit dumber. Thanks for the affirmation, Pratt!

“Calling the police is the epitome of escalation, and calling the police on black people for noncrimes is a step away from asking for a tax-funded beatdown, if not an execution.”

I hear you. I still have not forgiven Syfy for what they did to Farscape.

I’m sorry but I have to thank everyone here and all of the other “gawker” sites for allowing me to just be myself. As a 31 year old black guy in a very rural part of Missouri and I literally have myself to have these internal arguments with and it is an absolute joy to have the opportunity to engage with literally

Funny enough, this is how I always picture Trump while in the White House:

Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team:

Ah, CPAC - the weekend that taxes Grindr to its limits.