
And here I thought I was happy with my little tub of magnetic putty. Now I know I need to get at least 100 pounds of it. :D

PERFECT. Let's get on this!

Best of luck, Mika, we're all pulling for you. I really really hope you get to stay.

Thank you for your support. :) I've actually had just that discussion before (where does the mass come from?!?), but it stayed a friendly discussion, seeing as it never hit the mainpage.

Over on the Observation Deck, most Fridays.

I may have to back out after this initial round of getting my voice out there. Too many other things to do...

Also a thought. That recoil - ow.

Thank you. :) That sentiment is very much appreciated, given that I'm starting to ever-so-slightly regret putting that post up today...

For the record, no I don't care. ;) I turn my physics brain off for superhero movies. And I love the Avengers.

Not scientific at all, but highly useful. ;)

I'm going to assume this comment will be lost in the sea of proving me wrong, but I would like to say that I wasn't trying for a serious analysis of the movie — just a quick thought-dump on some basic questions.

Sorry, I was coming at this from general relativity — the math's a lot different when you're calculating the curvature of spacetime.

The question stated "empty space". That's general relativity code for "vacuum". I was just trying to answer the question as stated, not accurately analyze the movie.


I mean, we have to suspend belief a bit when dealing with portals through space/time.

This. Exactly. If you start down that road, you end up with lots of problems.

Yeah, I meant to answer that part of the question and got distracted. It's the end of the semester and I'm tired.

My wallet is grateful that the cut of that dress would look terrible on me.

Oh, Mika, so many earrings! Now I need them all. Guess I know what to tell the girls what I want for my birthday this year. ;)

"Astronaut rail-gun" is officially the best idea ever.