They do have a real-live physicist over there though. Which makes me absurdly happy.
They do have a real-live physicist over there though. Which makes me absurdly happy.
Bunny! Thank you! :D
I think that's true to some extent. But the statistics aren't a pretty where I sit (3 years out of grad school and working at an undergraduate institution).
And I'd like to pee standing up. So what?
It's almost as if men and women are judged by completely different standards.
Sounds about right. At the undergrad institution I work at, we're not graduating any female physics majors this year. Or next, I think. We had one last year - and she wasn't going to grad school.
Men: having both children and careers for hundreds of years. They don't have to make that "CHOICE"
Part of me hopes you never find it. Part of me wants to see it so I can have my cry over it and be done.
It makes me sad, because "empathy" and "communication" are exactly what we need more of over here in the hard sciences.
I hear you, I do. A colleague of mine has a fury-inducing story about the Italian physicist who said, with zero irony, during a conference talk, that he was teaching his sons to "do physics like a man."
How about this line, if we're picking and choosing here.
As someone who isn't even really "junior faculty" yet. (I have the title, but not the tenure-line position), this is fucking depressing. Expected, but depressing. I'm going to go crawl under my desk while I write the key to my final, kay?
That study was total validation for me. I feel sometimes like one of those rats — when I don't sleep, I'm prone to more pain, acne, canker sores, you name it. When I finally sleep — they get better, almost magically.
I do too, and I freaked out the first time it happened. It was like...why is my pee radioactive?!?
Ha! I do that too. I love my B-complex vitamins.
I learned VB back in high school (and again in college), and you're right. For an interface, it's amazing.
See, there are things I like about Matlab and things I do not like about Matlab. I'll use it when I have to, but I much prefer writing code in C++, so that's where my main projects are.
I'm a computational physicist, and do all my programming in C++. That happened to be one of the first languages I ever learned (in high school), but coding my graduate school research code in C++ was the best decision I ever made.
This is definitely me squawking, for sure.