
Oh, I get it. :) In graduate school, as part of our research group meetings, we had to bring articles in to present, and we would pick them apart. Learn to recognize "spin" when we saw it. Science is full of all kinds of BS (which I can say as an imperfect person doing imperfect science), but the conspiracy

I can't bring myself to actually wade into this, but I really want to thank you for doing it. As a scientist and educator, I sincerely appreciate what you're doing here.

I love that picture with all my heart. :D

I wish I still had Mathematica! D: (No license at my little school). Nah, my code is either in C++ or Matlab (though the Matlab is on a government server and I do not understand it at all).

Being a sleep-deprived prof isn't much better. I seriously once, during a 7:30 am lab, had a student (who was supposed to be in another class) race into my lab, gesture wildly and babble about orange juice, and then disappear. This was a real event, but I was absolutely certain I'd hallucinated it until about three

I should take one of my desk full of printed out WHY DON'T YOU WORK, CODE?!?!

Sleepless nights FOR SCIENCE. I hope you got your data. D:

I have really nice eyebrows — they're just very blonde. Brown eyeshadow or eyebrow powder - VERY lightly. No pencils, ever again, for me.

I usually just smudge some brown eyeshadow (though I might have actual eyebrow powder somewhere) when I want to look "serious". Though I do it less when I'm back to my natural blonde, it's a must when I'm rocking the red hair.

I came in prepared for eyerolling...but nope. I actually think there might be an onion ninja outside my office...

That just makes me cringe. On both counts. No one should be made to feel like a failure for needing a doctor. Isn't there enough stigma against people with mental illnesses?Plus, both the medical-need dismissal and the more-enlightened-than-thou attitude are just actively pushing away people who might find some

I can spell, I just can't spell on the board. I end up with very colorful fingers from my whiteboard markers. :)

A math professor? You understand everything then. Absolutely everything.

That was me in grad school. I hit the point where I just went, you know what, screw it. I'm going to be me, pink ribbons, blonde hair, physics lolcats and all.

I bought two pairs of "ankle-length" dress pants at Walmart this fall. They're the first pants I've had in years that needed neither hemming nor rolling.

Hey! Another 4'10" over here. :D I've pulled the "not quite five feet" card a few times myself.

Agreed. Meditation is wonderful, mindfulness is great — I've used both to great effect.

You said it perfectly.

I want these toys and I want them now.

The torque on my lower spine is still a killer though. D: