
So much for the calculations I wanted to run tomorrow. The server is going bye-bye. Thanks a lot, oh elected leaders. :(

Why must you all continue to torment me with cute things that I want?!?

This is the only kind of tongue that should be hanging out all the time. I'm in love.

Can I steal it and keep it?

Aww, that's so sad! I still have one of mine from grad school. It's purple and a little chewed-up, but it's still got eraser!

*legitimate jaw drop* I. need. that. now. Thank you so much!

It was my senior year of high school, and I had the money back then (I was an industrious little worker bee even then). I could never justify it to myself now, but oh how I love those pencils.

Ooh, that Pentel looks nice too. I'll have to see if I can find one.

Papermate Clearpoint. 0.5 mm. Because

Oh the Prismacolors. I love those so much. I still have most of a $100 set of those somewhere that I bought in college, just because I wanted them. There's just nothing like them.


Both very good things to aspire to! :D

You have my sympathy. I spent six wonderful/terrible years in grad school. What field are you in?

I usually end up teaching summer classes (extra money!) and trying frantically to do research over the summer. Boo.

Okay fine, I did it. But only so I can have this elsewhere too.

See, I can't imagine surviving the detox process. I had a friend who tried to quit her Diet Coke habit the summer of the qualifying exam in grad school. It lasted for all of two weeks.

I experienced the raging bitch monster when I tried to switch from Coke to Diet. Never. again. I need my high fructose corn syrup, I guess.

OMG THIS. I need my carbs to function. I don't have the luxury of hazy brain.

I can handle math (my username doesn't say physicist for nothing), but I can't handle diets. They slow me down, make it so I can't handle my job, and then they make me evil.

The optimist in me is going "Oh that's cute."