As is "Oh we have something for everyone here".
As is "Oh we have something for everyone here".
That is a great way to put that. Totally stealing it. :D
Yeah I've had them try to sell me on sister sizes before. And no, I really do need a 34 band, thank you very much. That's where the support is.
I just can't. My bra size is my bra size is my bra size. No amount of wishful thinking or sister sizing is going to get me into anything other than my 34 G/H. I just give up.
Oh god, don't get me started on the extracurricular activities. There's a bit of a battle going on about one of the music groups because of the time that they miss. Right at the beginning of the semester. Faculty are rightly grumpy about this.
I love how we just kind of randomly find people around here :)
The more the merrier! :)
Oh heck yes! The more the merrier! My last little rant was actually more about academia in general than anything else. :)
Did I mention that I was a grad student at the time? ;) I did all of this while getting my PhD just like everyone else. I just happen to rock an additional skill set. I'm a college professor now (its a temp gig, but a good one). I'd never last a week without my secretary-type training.
I don't have an inherent problem with showering at night, but I tend to do it in the morning just because I can't fix my bangs if I sleep on them (even if they're dry first). So morning shower + ballerina bun and out the door it is.
I was our "research group secretary". I knew how to work the networked printer with the different grant codes (I wrote a manual for it when I graduated). I knew how to work the group calendar. How to keep track of submission deadlines for conferences. My advisor could give me some vague instructions in the…
This. During college, I worked as
It's crazy how quick grad school fades into memory once you start in on the craziness of after-grad-school life.
Been there, done that, so many times.
When I buy a house, I'm going to get one of those Bidet adaptor toilet seats. They're not really that expensive comparatively, don't require any renovation, and they work very well (There's one at my favorite little Japanese place and I adore it).
Oh gosh, me too. The price difference isn't worth the bad feelings I'd get from it if I failed.
I'm a little(sub 5-foot) blonde girl who's a physicist and a college professor, but I could pass for a freshman on most days. You can chart how seriously people take me not just by the glasses, but by the type of glasses I wear. The switch from contacts to glasses alone was a big jump, but the bolder/darker the…
I certainly hope that's true. Because it makes me feel better about ditching contacts in college. With the right pair of glasses, at least I feel like I'm looking closer to my actual age (as much as that's possible, which isn't much).
That's been a big one for me too. I've definitely found that to be true for myself. You can predict my eating habits by the stress level/time of the semester at work. If I'm straining myself to the limit to get my job done, my ability to say no to that tasty treat goes right out the window. And that's just the…
My general rule with a new series is 5 episodes. If I'm not hooked after that, I'll quit. I watched a few and went "..... okay? ....". Once I'd finished 5, I binge-watched the rest of them within a week.