Pretty much. I've been astonished by it on many occasions.
There are flashes of the old Anne. She's my role-model for being a grown-up. Be responsible and all that, but keep the laughter behind your eyes.
Oh Little Elizabeth. I loved her with all my heart, partly because that's my name too — I adored her penchant for having different names to match all her moods.
Grown-up Anne is still in some ways my role model for how to be a grown-up without losing the joyfulness of the young.
That. Dog. I think I'm going to cry again.
I just re-read all of those books again over the last three weeks (okay, I'm not quite finished with Rilla of Ingleside yet, but close enough), so the nostalgia factor is really high for me.
Yeah, Google Scholar is how I figured out someone had cited my dissertation. And my paper.
Show up and do your work. Paying for college (or having your parents do it) isn't paying for a degree, it's paying for the opportunity to learn. So put some effort into it.
I reject your general setup, as I don't consider religion to be a "black-box generator" of any sort of objective truth. If I make a scientific discovery, I can shout it to the world and say "This is true." That's not the way religion works. I'm not interested in having other people believe what I believe.
Maybe it's just because I've wrestled with them both enough to be satisfied with my opinions. I'm going to have to admit that this is hard for me to articulate, but I'm going to try.
I'm not disagreeing with you in the slightest...I would probably be in line with you for the honor of the battle, even though I would surely lose.
But I feel like he would certainly be impressed with Lindy's wit and charm.
You're more persistent than I, I gave out after about a week.
Newsflash: there are Christians who believe in allegory. Who believe, like most cultures, that something can have truth and significance without the detailed flourishes of the story being correct. Hence all the liberal borrowing from other creation stories.
And I will now proceed to worship you forever for those three words.
Oh the old "I'm restarting my computer" routine. If I needed help with my computer, I wouldn't call you, idiot internet support person.
I have LOLcats in my interview research talks. And my go-to lesson for the teaching part of the interview is a lesson on conservation of energy...with zombies.