
I actually had one tech support person snip at me "Well, since you don't seem to want to troubleshoot anymore, we'll just send a tech out." WHICH IS WHAT I WANTED. I'm not an idiot, I did my research, we were troubleshooting that thing for a week before we called tech support.

Verizon, far NE Iowa. Surprisingly not bad. There are some random pockets of hey-where-did-my-signal-go? but the coverage is good enough that I've been able to call AAA when my car died on a 2-lane Minnesota state highway. That's all I need.

That cat is far more fashionable than I. But that kitty just makes me want to love it, and cuddle it, and write insane children's books about it.

I bet it would be just the right length on my little 4'10" self. *really wants a long floofy dress*

Or they hand you off to the person at the desk next to them, who has exactly the same limited authority as the first person.

Yay for ideas! :)

This is why when I find a doctor who actually listens to me, I cling to them terribly. I'm currently seeing a Nurse Practitioner for my GP instead of one of the many MDs at the clinic, because she doesn't look at me like I'm crazy, and she trusts me and my long history of head cavity infections to know when I have a

That is all kinds of awesome. :D I hope I can get as much out of them for my "Calculate pi...with some string, this meter stick, and whatever circles you can find in the building" lab

Indeed. It can be crazy. I'm spending two weeks this semester teaching a lab where the students are doing nothing but measuring the circumference and diameter of cylindrical objects and taking the ratio of the two to get pi. I expect wildly varying results, because that's the nature of measurement.

I can usually drink, but I can't really eat. Drinking something, even if it's just a glass of orange juice, will keep my blood sugar from crashing (I have to watch for that) without forcing me to eat.

I just can't eat right away after getting up. My body just wants nothing to do with it. Now I have issues with low blood sugar, so sometimes I have to drink something just to keep myself stable, but food? Meh.

This, this, a thousand times this. This is why we make our physics lab students take repeated measurements and get a handle on their uncertainty.

You don't know my department ;)

I love that this little white puffball's name is "Ivan the Terrible". Brilliant.

That just made my day. :)

I think it's a fun name. And you know what, if a candy bar company actually had enough wits about them to go, "Hey, we should get in on this", more power to them.

I'm doing pretty much the same, trying to upload assignments and course information and trying to get a lecture written.

Yeaaaaah, you'll regret that later (says the college prof who isn't ready for tomorrow yet). Procrastination ftw.

Awesome!!! Hi!!! Always good to meet another member of the Crazy Awesome Physics Brigade! :D

Awesome! Exactly what I need on a scrambly oh-hell-classes-start-tomorrow kind of day. :)