Zkdog-Hiding from the editors
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You guys.......stop it! You keep making me want the 90's back.

Oh god he's getting into more tech.

@Chris Compson: Have you ever run a website that got say, even 5000 hits a day? It's not quite so easy to keep up.

@blehbleh13: Most valuable, not most profitable.

Wish I had the ability to put thoughts to words so succinctly and beautifully. I also find it ironic that I have recently started studying a little Zen Buddhism and recently watched Religulous. It's like this dude has been living my life or watching me or something....

Unless you're talking clown suits or birthday suits, I've never met a suit who would even let their kid have this stuff.

Will existing sites HAVE to move or will it be optional?

@YOXIM: b/c they walk EVERYWHERE. In heels no less.

@deep_fryed: Did you hear they finally stopped the oil spill? BP put a wedding ring on the pipe and it quit blowing.

@superman40601000: At least she didn't wrap her legs around you before you could pull out and scream "Be my babby's daddy!"

@Pook365: I've had sex with the same person for 4 years now though. I doubt I'll be catching anything.

@theorieofself: No, making lazy, obvious comments while generalizing a large and varied group of people in order to get a response out of someone makes you a troll.

This couldn't be any more related.

Bumblebee: But I didn't mean too!

wow....you just brought back memories with the Limp Bizkit reference...

Well I've gotten several now but I just noticed they only have the deal running on the ones listed. I really wish they would lower their entire catalog to .99! I would buy even more.

Well there goes my productivity for a week.......