Zkdog-Hiding from the editors

@icecreamman: Clear fingernail polish will do that for you. Just raid the wife's supply. ;)

@kaiz3n: I've been looking for nearly a year now with no luck. Please point me to this magical land of jobs.

@tselby: It's a mac and on an IKEA dresser. That pretty much means it's garunteed to get featured.

BugMeNot is also a great way to log in to read that one article. The firefox addon is great!

@dbaet: That was sarcastic. Right?

@SmokeyRivers: "Phone" doesn't really work anymore because the actual phone is only a very small part of these devices. Even your so called dumb phones have calendars, calculators, messaging and other features that have nothing to do with your classic phone.

@Spaceboy: Nothing about the program really "lifts" my interest.

@mangs: People like you are what make my job a combo of laughter and pain.

@jayblaze9: Yes but the recovery time is a hard coded three days.

@chunk2242: I have one for you. Get the meatball sub then add all the meat from the Italian or BMT.

@You ate my cake!: You're either forgetting or haven't read much on this subject. Carbon nanotubes are extremely light and strong. Either way, a few kms of rope isn't going to hurt anyone. Engineers would surely plan for something going wrong. Simply make sure there aren't too many vulnerable targets nearby and

You know, I've wondered for a while now why LH would ask about browsers/OS's etc. Any decent blog, which your's is, should have fairly thorough analytics running on the backend. #operatingsystems

@hillvalleydigital: I just recently got my Alpha invitation but don't have a supported laptop. Was think about trying this on an old Dell D900. Think it would work?

I'm surprised everyone missed the mirc box.

Awesome one that I'm actually going to try out. As soon as I can find the download link.