A Panthers-Patriots Super Bowl halftime show? What could possibly go wrong?
A Panthers-Patriots Super Bowl halftime show? What could possibly go wrong?
If you were to make one of those composite images of every old, white, entitled, male, American econo-parasite, it would come out looking something like this.
So you are fine with people not being decent to other humans?
if you have a penis go in this bathroom, a vagina go in that one. It isn’t discrimination. You liberals love throwing that word around.
You don’t get special rights because you feel a certain way. You have a Y chromosome, stay out of the women’s washroom.
It's ok to state your beliefs as long as they agree with the liberal media agenda. That is all.
Yeahhhhhhhh...I’m terrified of Cardinals II: The Kansasing.
Fitting that the naming rights go to a rental car company, since every public Dollar Hertz the Budget.
No more a grift than online poker was. Or casinos are.
Jon Gruden: See, this guy right here. He’s a guy I like to call “Brokey McFuckstick”, because I make around 40% more annually than-
You want Scott Walker to die? On what planet is that okay for you to write? You are a complete asshole and deadspin should issue an apology to Scott walker on your behalf.
Bennett recently did a promotion for the Seattle Public Library System.
It’s almost as if people can have differing opinions on polarizing subjects... And get this... Neither one of them has to be wrong or right! You're really growing up, gawker.
You’re so cool bro.
I mean, probably. You mostly cherry-picked. The vast majority of the candidates last night were not in favor of any of the things you mentioned.
Challenge: This is the most liberal site I’ve read (yes, even worse than the Huffington Post). If Deadspin releases an article dissing the Democratic ticket, then I will post a video of myself running naked across a tennis court.
Anyway, no one cares about sneaker politics
Buffalo Wild Wings’ hot sauce can’t melt steel beams
It must only be for show, because YEAH RIGHT like any Packers fan could actually fit in a Smart car.