
I'd love to see him on a one on one interview show. Best interviewer on television.

How many guests does Oliver have? Oh you'd prefer a preacher to a discussion. Got it.

How does that differ from atheism?

Theological noncognitivist? What is wrong with you? You know damn well that that means nothing to anyone and it just makes you feel smart. Stop trying to put yourself in a super specific box. You're an atheist. Embrace it.

Being insulted doesn't matter. I got past his smug douchebaggery and realized that his show is actually really good and very informative. He isn't the smartest, or nicest, or funniest guy out there but he has solid guests and when he doesn't get in the way of the show, it's the best in the game.

He dances a little in the movie Iceman :)

Yeah I love watching all those dudes you mentioned. I don't know, maybe it's a personality thing. I would rather hang out with Jon Stewart or John Oliver (or Colbert) and I think they're more consistently funny, more consistently astute, and they seem like nicer people. But I more look forward to Bill Maher's show

I think he offers more opinion than facts but the other guests provide a great deal of insight in my opinion.

I understand, and to each their own. The other shows that people are talking about are very good too.

Again, his program is not the end of my learning about any given topic. It's just one source and there is plenty to be gained from watching it.

Well that's fine if that's what you prefer but I do fact check the things that I hear on there and, like any show of that nature, some of it is bs and some of it is solid. At the very least it helps me to think about things differently than I would have and, yes, I learn things too.

Well like I said I find that I still learn plenty from his show. It's also sometimes refreshing for a host who won't let people get away with just giving the typical lines from the echo chamber without being challenged. But yeah, then a lot of other times I just want him to shut the f*ck up.

So many peoples' rationale for not watching Maher's show is that he's a smug douche, which obviously he is. But I'm surprised at how many people would rather watch one person give his rant on politics rather than a panel of people discussing it. I watch Maher more than the other two because I learn more from his show

He has a generally good outlook right? Find your own path and don't take yourself too seriously.

He seems like he has good thoughts but he's just too stupid to express them in an interview. But, he's a creator not an orator so whatever. He's good at the things he does.

He's just young and obnoxious.