
It also means up to 100% voted to have it, being as you were allowed to vote for up to 10 comics and more than 10% of votes went to PA.

Ok, whoever is responsible for Kinja pruning comments as you scroll down: stahp, plz. It's preventing me from reading comments and responding to them. I mean, I know that Kinja is terrible and whoever is responsible for it should stop web development, but at least it was usable yesterday.

This actually makes it look usable.

And hopefully this backfires in her face. But it won't, because she's a media trendsetter and instead of everyone turning on her, they'll just follow suite. I mean, it's not like she's putting her son into child prostitution because it's the latest trend.

Well, kids are possessions and how you spruce them up with swag is brownie points in the social circle. Oh wait, I thought we were talking about purses.

I thought the judge comparing employment to a video game was fine. He wasn't doing it in a way that so much compared the elements of reality, but the entertainment value over time. It wasn't terrible, it made a lot of sense. I had a boss that who made a metaphor about fighting game characters and a certain aspect of

"It's the video game's fault. Wait, you're telling us it's our fault as parents? Fuck you, don't tell me how to raise my kids! I'll buy them GTA5 if I want, it's my kid and I know my kid."

As long as you're not silencing the minority opinion, you can do whatever you want with your comment system. I come off as rude and vile from time to time, I know I do, and I'm fine with my rude and vile comments being filtered out (though I might be mad about it at the time), but if your system is filtering out

To be fair, Steve Jobs did originally announce Halo.

While I agree that the sense of grandeur and spectacle have always amazed me, I lost a lot of the will of actually seeing any of that ever fulfilled in real time. It's not that I don't believe developers are capable of pushing that envelope, but I do believe that no matter how good they get it to look, they'll always

and its a tourney fighter

We're rednecks, we're rednecks
We don't know our ass from a hole in the ground
We're rednecks, we're rednecks
We're keeping the niggers down
Now your northern nigger's a Negro
You see he's got his dignity
Down here we're too ignorant to realize
That the North has set the nigger free

I'm not going to argue that Smash Bros pushes the polycount envelope, but nobody expected it to, either. I brought Crysis into the mix because, though its techniques are now dated, they were state-of-the-art at the time, and many of the visual effects used in the game didn't see use in later games until years after it

"touchscreen legacy left behind by iconic Apple leader Steve Jobs"?

Except that you're making the base of your comparison from an upscaled, lowres screenshot, so your basis for texture quality are kinda... baseless. Hell, the pixel borders from the anti-aliasing are clearly visible.

Do people not understand prefixing "one of" before a statement? It's an INCLUSIVE TERM, meaning "I'd put it in my top 10 but I'm not telling you where."Also, you're in the minority on your beliefs on WW's visuals, at least on Kotaku. I mean, the very article states the game is beautiful as fuck.

No, because I didn't say that any rape victims were wrong.

Although I know you're being sarcastic, I do have to wonder what tricks they used to make the eyebrows not hidden by the hair. Is that an easy effect? I know on release, Nintendo claimed that the entire aesthetic of Wind Waker's cell-shading was considerably harder than doing a realistic engine.

I love the irony that Wind Waker is now considered one of the most beautiful games ever made, when pre-release, many Zelda fans hated it for not being gritty and realistic.

I just want to thank Kotaku. A long time ago, I'd see an article like this and think, "Wow, that's some nice art." Now I open this article and think, "Men are covered in cloth from head to toe, and women are as exposed as you can get with a T rating."