
Steampunk was an exercise in showing up Cyberpunk. The point was to show it wasn't the cyber prefix that mattered, but the punk suffix. The sad part is that nobody told steampunk fans. Even sadder, the only person in gaming who seems to care is Suda51. He "just gets" punk.

Firstly, I want to commend the author for taking the time out of his life to spread the word about video game ratings. As a gamer and a human being, I find it commendable.

I love fanboys, I really do. That said, please don't feature it. Scott DeWitt is a great guy, but he cannot get on to a fixed schedule. On the ninth, he stated he was switching to M-W-F format and has thus far posted on the 13, the 19th, and the 20th (Friday, Thursday, Friday). He let his webcomic stagnate for most of

Mass Effect Trilogy is showing $19.99.

I hate exclusives.

This is a sad day. This is a very sad day.

Any other PC gamers holding out?

But it could have been a midnight launch for anything and that wouldn't have changed anything. GTA's presence is a complete coincidence.

I almost wish Rockstar/Take-Two would release some stupid adverts that point out how silly things in our industry have gotten. "Infinite ammo? [Don't] pay $5 for this DLC!"

When video games distract from the real news, we're no better than Fox News.

Hey, don't throw the whole turn-based thing in. I stopped playing FF at FFX because it was *too* turned based.

The joke doesn't matter to me — it was just a silly joke. The resulting aftermath, however, is nothing but brain-dead blather. You can go ahead and laugh and applaud from the peanut-gallery, and be offended that I hate how inescapable this whole thing is, but you're the type of person who feeds into drama and lets it

Persona 5: Revenge of the Chaotix

I'm going to write some userscript that will filter out articles based on keywords. By default, the filter will contain "dickwolves".

To be fair, all the anime you've mentioned in your post, I've seen and enjoyed.

That's better. But on that note, I don't think that just because people are buying it that it's keeping anything alive. People buy games with tons of polygons, so 2D gaming is mostly dead. You get the small gem once in awhile that is nice and, well, a small gem, but everything AAA has to find ways to shape polygons

Average, a style of drawing bodies. You've posted chibi and average and then said, "Is this not moe?"

Is English not your first language?

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was arguing with an asshole.
