Hugbox doesn't contain actual hugs

seriously though, FUCK OBAMA, FUCKING LIAR, i voted for him twice because he was supposed to stop this shit, and he doesn’t need congress’s approval either, so don’t give me that shit. that spade knew exactly what he was doing. last time i’ll vote for one of them ever again.

didn’t know black people knew about Grease, he’s going to do a Dick Van Dyke move next touch down

seriously though, WTF is happening with the panthers today, how are these the same guys that went 15-1?

NPR is whiter than Gawker, so its pretty hypocritical for them to go after others for not being diverse

if it was then wouldn’t gawker have done it already

“so you are not planing on voting sanders, you evil witch?” -HamNo

you are starting to sound like one of those Gamergators, what the fuck is wrong with you

wow, i didn’t know New York was such an Islamaphboic state, are they going to refuse refugees too

really outside of Bernie, all the presidential canidates have the same views on 99% of things, its really which person do you think would look best saying them

in on its self is sexist and it basically says women can not think for themselves.

replace white with kike and i 100% agree with you

damn you have some low standards

the thought of a tv series made by women and including a cast of mostly women scares you?

honestly surprised they could afford it, also surprised it is still a thing. Tidal.

fuck him, he was a white male Gamergater.

wow, i would have thought i would have heard white people whiining about it to this day if Al hosted an episode of one of the most racist pro-white shows on television that caters to the Trump demographic

yep, honestly surprised he hasn’t demanded this sub-blog end considering it does politics way better than the all white clown show over on Gawker

hosting WWE Monday Night Raw, or hawking testosterone pills on their radio shows

hey now, Nick Denton would never hire anyone that was racist or misogynist right?

Many of them over at Gawker.