
You mean like Red Bull?

Houston has had this happen.

Fresno is an outlier city so its urban population is much more in line with its metro population. To say that is is larger than Atlanta or Miami is disingenuous. Fresno is the 55th largest metropolis in the county, trailing Albuquerque and Tulsa, among others.

Last year’s 500 was an awesome finish as well, expect many more in the future.

The Type-S is about as much as FWD can handle in normal use. I can drive mine at 90% in almost any situation but it will easily overwhelm the front wheels on a hard launch which leads to some pretty bad wheel hop. At it’s core the type S is very competent as a sporty daily driver, I have no problem driving it every

If they don’t agree to the embargo then they don’t get to drive the car. It’s different from the “voluntary” embargoes placed on manufacturer press releases to the media.

Half green half red doesn’t make sense in that case.

That’s very romantic of you. The reality is it’s a stressful and dangerous job that must be executed with a high degree of precision. Any mistakes you make could lead to someone working under you to be hurt or killed. Air bosses that spend their time looking out at the ocean don’t last very long in their position.

Ethanol has a higher octane rating than gasoline. Look at the Koenigsegg CCX, it makes 25% more power running E100 than RON 98 gas.

Yeah, it’s not like Carlos Ghosn saved Nissan from bankruptcy and guided it to it’s current status as a major automaker with 10% of the global market. I bet he just spends his days wondering how to suck the life out of the companies he runs.

Yeah. “Stock cars”.

Big surprise, nobody wants to watch a spec series that bills itself as “The pinnacle of motorsport”. At least NASCAR is honest about what it is.

This site isn’t Wikipedia, it’s entertainment. The list includes user-submitted ships of varying categories. Also, Prelude is self-propelled, it just would move very slowly over open water. It’s quicker and cheaper to tow it but it can get out of its own way.

TI Asia is an FSO now, which makes it just as much of a ship as Prelude. Prelude is bigger.

On the other hand, a fully-equipped USS Enterprise could easily chase down and sink every ship larger than it by itself (and perhaps a T-AKE or two), if its crew chose to do so. Then, it would be the largest ship in the world.

I understand that compression ratio is strictly volumetric, what I’m saying is that effective compression ratio corrects for cylinder pressure.

If you want to play that game, anything and everything is just applied math.

None of that was science, it was engineering.

“Effective” compression ratio simply compares the actual cylinder pressure to the expected cylinder pressure at sea level, it’s not inaccurate at all in that sense. It’s a similar concept to volumetric efficiency.

Rather than your overwrought analysis, it would be just as correct to say “reducing a naturally aspirated engine’s effective compression ratio”. There, all better.