
You mean stale bread and dry salty meat don't go bad? That's crazy talk. McDonalds is clearly poisoning their customers.

My car has a 13 gallon tank and 21 combined mpg but I usually only get 200 miles on a tank because of my driving profile. I've gotten close to 400 on road trips. Electric cars are no different.

I'm lucky to get 250 miles on a tank, which is around 400 km. I drive a V6 midsize sedan for 95% city miles.

(Side note: You might remember Tesla originally planned to offer a 40 kWh model, but killed it due to a lack of interest. That was partially because the people that have the cash to drop on a Model S didn't need a budget option, but it also became clear to Tesla that offering a car with only 150-160 miles of range

Since day one, the biggest advantage of the Model S hasn't been the speed or the space or even the Supercharger network, it's the range. While nearly every other EV can't crack into the triple-digits, the Model S landed three years ago with a minimum range of 200 miles.

It shouldn't matter if it's a woman who you are personally related to or not, what he did was wrong and should be universally accepted as such. When someone gets shot you don't see people asking "what if it was your son?" to nearly the same extent, but anytime there's a woman involved you hear "what if it was your

There's a new movie coming about aliens sending a bunch of old 8-bit, pixellated video game characters to Earth to kick our asses. Like almost every alien-kicking-our-asses movie, it looks pretty fun. This movie also gives the modern Mini Cooper its first real acting roles, where Minis will play the role of Pac-Man

Bellicosity is defined as expressing a willingness to fight. How can that possibly be the correct answer based on the speech excerpt given? It's about strengthening peace for Christ's sake.

But the Mazda2 is also a 5 door hatchback, so that argument still makes no sense.

VW/Audi engineering is embarrassing, especially in the past few years. It would have been better if they spent the money on marketing instead of cramming everything together and cutting costs.

That's how you spell anniversary though...

As someone who spent a large part of my childhood playing Crazy Taxi on Dreamcast, I will never forget the Offspring.

Shouldn't the drivers know to take their hands off the wheel when a crash is imminent? Formula 1 has power steering but in most big wrecks the driver will pull his hands back once the car is beyond recovery, for exactly this reason.

He took a very questionable line for going 2-wide into the corner. Maybe I've just been watching too much NASCAR but it looks like if he stayed wide he would have escaped trouble.

You're right, despite my years of experience with municipal water distribution and treatment I have no idea what I am talking about. I have no entitlement to speak as an industry professional who is deeply familiar with water usage matters. Please forgive me for my overreach.

Let the masses buy their cheap mass-produced beer. I'd rather not have my favorite breweries grow too large and compromise quality.

To people like you the world is in a constant state of peril, but that doesn't have any reflection on reality. Desalination is very expensive and it makes sense to deplete existing reserves before building plants, of which California has 17 currently in planning stages. There is not a significant amount of engineering

Some people just want a cheap beer that doesn't taste like anything and gets them buzzed. Bud light is perfect for that. The only reason they need so much marketing is to grab the light beer market share from their competition. It's not like anybody is passing up on buying a case of Fat Tire or Sierra Nevada because

There's nothing to be sad about, Bud Light is America's most popular beer in the same way the McDouble is America's most popular hamburger. Just because the bottom of the market is effectively monopolized doesn't mean there aren't thousands of better options available.

70% of the earth's surface is water and you think it will be more precious than oil? Desalination may be relatively expensive but in the big picture we spend a very low amount of our overall incomes on sustaining continued existence in the form of food, water, and oxygen. Oil is nice to have but people won't die as a