Zircon the Blue

I cannot explain why any streamer makes movies except to fill up categories (ex: rom coms) in which they would rather own the product rather than leasing others’ material.

Yeah, I always felt the blowback was slightly, emphasis on slightly, disproportionate to the offense and likely colored by her being queer and a woman. I just don’t see someone like a Stephen Colbert being brought down with such glee the way she was.

The Netflix model was not the problem.

Executives and senior “leadership” in every industry are largely a bunch of incompetent sociopaths and morons. NONE of them “earn” their exorbitant pay and perks through competence and capable leadership.

I knew an accountant who was over it by like... 28 years old.

Like Bay Area rapping legend Too $hort, who “retired” with his tenth album in 1996 and then went on to release 11 more, not including collaborations, over the past 30 years.

Thank you. It is worth remembering just how many walls she knocked down in 1997 and just how much shit she took for it. 

While I certainly don’t feel sorry for her, it’s undeniable she’s been put through the ringer, both for things that were outside of her control as well as for her own flaws and shortcomings.

Agreed, mostly. I generally like Burr and like to think he thinks the more wildly right-wing shit he says is silly, but it’s hard to tell sometimes. And it definitely appeals to the worst red-pilled choady dickbags who think he’s one of them. Which, if people like that were a fan of my work, I’d have to take a good

Also anti-parasite horse medicine 

Are we talking funny peculiar or funny ha-ha?

With hair? 

I wish I could return to those pre-Covid days before I’d ever heard of this fucknut. 

Already looking forward to the youtube videos that will burn this special down.

His act is Tim Allen on actual steroids

“What is the DEAL with being clocked in the fucking FAAAA-CE?”

Show me on the doll where the women won’t touch you.

Netflix is really turning itself into a clearinghouse for deeply unfunny people who are very mad that no one laughs along with their material, aren’t they?

Today I Learned: Joe Rogan is apparently a comedian

“Don’t get mad at me, you know why you came here,”