
I thought the framerates were always good in Switch handheld mode.

I wish we could do a scientific poll to determine the frequency of screen scratching and tablet overheating. My Switch has gotten a lot of docked and undocked use over the last 1.5 weeks and I’ve experienced neither of those issues.

I’m actually really glad they dropped the extra stuff, the Switch is fast and the OS isn’t annoying.


Never give up, never surrender!

This is like saying I should turn off my phone when out in the wild. Ridiculous.

while I wouldn’t use the word overrated, the first one was such a let down. Story was crap, the environments felt same-y, the combat which was clearly trying to be Batman wasn’t as good, the cliffhanger for the obvious sequel. It’s almost like people loved the nemesis system so much they liked the actual game more

Now now, if you would judge the original screenshot in the same way, I’m sure you would find a lot of flaws there as well. Who knows how quickly those effects die down and how it looks in action?

All the excitement of being in the real military!

I hate how there are so many ways for game developers to get fucked over. Buying from G2A and the like, as well as buying used from GameStop, is bullshit. Buy new. Buy digital. Support the people who frequently work in shitty conditions, with shitty hours, and wobbly job stability to create the things you love.

Well it’s pretty simple for me, really. If I want a new copy of a game, and Gamestop tells me they have no new copies available for sale, then I’ll take my business to a competitor.

Worked for Gamestop for 3 years as a store manager. I was fired for paying my employees out of pocket to help me out off the clock because corporate pulled all my hours during Christmas time so I was soloing a fucking store by myself. I doubt none of this.

Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.

boy, the japanese voice acting is good.

I legitimately hated every single trailer and gameplay footage they’ve released for this game, but that trailer may legitimately be the greatest one I’ve ever seen for a game. God damn.

My body was not ready.

I’m just hoping they give us a new Metroid game that not only has Samus but doesn’t make her a braindead moron who needs her superior officer to tell her when to breathe. Don’t get me wrong, Other M was a decent game form a gameplay perspective, but the story was sexist and really dumb.

Just give me a proper Metroid, 2D or Prime style, I don’t care...........that’s literally all I want.