It’s actually not that insane now that we’re on DDR4 memory, but yeah it’s a workstation board.
It’s actually not that insane now that we’re on DDR4 memory, but yeah it’s a workstation board.
To be fair, a hell of a lot of franchises found their primary success on the Playstation platform. Well, until the PS3, so it’s like a bit of nostalgia to act like their platform still matters like it used to.
The recent PC trend is actually releasing games that work out the gate. I think of all the major, AAA titles released recently only 3 had crippling problems and only 1, Just Cause 3, is still a piece of crap.
He was tried and found guilty. When you’re found guilty, right or wrong, you -as the guilty party- then need to prove your innocence. PRETTY SIMPLE.
It’s on you to stop being a full-blown idiot and acting indignant that it is “clear” someone is innocent when, in fact, it obviously IS NOT clear because you cannot cite a lick of evidence to back up your claim.
The game will be a disaster. It already has a ton of unnecessary exposition and it’s obvious it has always had core gameplay issues. Take away the setting and “dragon” and you’re left with a very formulaic hack and slash with little appeal.
Raw power can’t fix all slowdown issues and it is likely that PC wouldn’t be able to fix most slowdown issues plaguing the game magically. If anything, it could be exaceberbated on PC if the game or engine is particularly poorly optimized.
You’d be lucky to get Yoda Stories playing on this...
No and it never will
I’m on 7 and 10, kotor, kotor 2 and jade all installed and play without any hassle. Intel/Nvidia.
More and more people seem to be getting less and less patient with Valve. On the one hand that happens when you’re top dog, have millions upon millions upon millions of active users, but on the other hand it also happens when you continually screw up. And like it or not, Valve did have its part in this mess.
Like it or not, Valve is not 100% inculpable and IT IS just that simple.
Anyone that knows of iBuypower generally heard of them from part sites, since they tend to sell pre-built rigs a lot there. And if you’re already shopping at a place like newegg, chances are you’d rather build it yourself, customize it yourself and still save $200-$500 which in the custom-built arena is a critical…
It’s cold, sterile, dark and boring. It’s like a McDonalds, Hollywood Video and a Subway combine into some ridiculous amalgam. Awful and stupid. NOT the future.
Depends on why the first didn’t draw you in. If you didn’t care for the gameplay, the second one doesn’t really do anything a whole lot better just basically expands on everything in the last game. If you wanted a more gripping story with more weight to it, the sequel delivers in spades.
At least it illustrates why it isn’t as easy as most people assume it is to have backwards compatibility.
Dear Valve,
Yeah, why prepare for the most profitable days of the year and one of the most anticipated for your customers.
It’s pretty stupid just from a practical standpoint. People know this place has the potential to pay out big? People would probably spend more money there.