The trailer makes it look like Collateral, but with vampires instead of Tom Cruise. I’m in.
The trailer makes it look like Collateral, but with vampires instead of Tom Cruise. I’m in.
plot twist, James Earl Jones is actually voicing Knuckles and Idris Elba is voicing Knuckles’s gloves.
Can I just say fuck both of them?
Meanwhile every FF14 dungeon run now is with 3 sprouts whose names are like Sylbombass Windfucker
down where it’s wetter.
Take it from me.
Yes, but Nick Cannon is not from one of those countries.
Also polygamy in those countries come with a set of responsabilities that are not just ‘having children’
i mostly think it’s funny, hence a joke even in the headline
Another tech demo without art direction.
I agree with Old Rick. Young Rick’s values are wrong. Who wants a Vietnam?
Harley is, in fact, very annoying. That’s intentional. She’s also surprisingly resourceful and a fascinating presence in the projects that use her well (aka, everything save that first Suicide Squad movie).
The look on Peacemaker’s face in response to “Peacemaker, what a joke.” was probably the best acting Cena has ever done.
This show is extremely close to being the show it acts like it is.
I was wondering when we were gonna hear about this. I wasn’t 100% into the first season of the reboot, but I still look forward to more. I hope they can strike a better balance of the material; it’s either too much Warners or too much Pinky & the Brain. And no more of that weird gnome thing.
This was an excellent article, one of the best I’ve ever read.
The only difference is that Greek mythology has long fallen out of practice, so there are no devout worshippers to come along and make a fuss about Kratos smashing Zeus in the face.
“And I freaked the hell out.”
Can you maybe change the title to include “Mo-capped a Baby” instead of just “Capped a Baby”... I definitely misunderstood it until I read the article. And I freaked the hell out.
It is? Oh man, I should not have told Congress that I’m totally best buds with Michael Keaton.