
I think celebrities are better off NOT deleting offensive tweets/instagrams.

this isn’t bullying.

pfffft. blockhead. thanks for that.

it’s no secret that sexism and misogyny are complicated. that’s pretty obvious, at least to me.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHAHAHAHAH! good lord what a joke. i almost want to meet you irl now.

I am neither young nor naive. i am well aware that sexism and race issues are complex.

if you are curious as to why i’d use such a dumb argument trying to prove that my boyfriend is not sexist, (the Stein vote) it’s because lots of people were starting off the conversation with a very similar line of thinking.

so. now that we’ve established my argument was dumb. let’s talk some more about dumb arguments.

meh. i guess I don’t care how bad the argument is. i know the truth and that is what matters.

this is stupid. literally stupid.

“I’m sure your boyfriend and most Berniebro-turned-Stein supporters would have dropped their support similarly if she’d had a real shot.”

I doubt very much he voted for Stein as some grand scheme of electing Trump without directly voting for him. He sincerely thinks she is the best option, period.

technically no. his stein vote did not contribute to Trump. Minnesota went to Clinton thank God. but it was still a terrible risk for him to take, doing that.

I’ve questioned his judgment myself, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call him a moron. we are in Minnesota. it was a calculated risk.

of course not. I’ve been with this dude 5 years and he has never one pulled that“i have black friends so I can’t be racist” bs

seriously? My boyfriend can’t stand Hillary, and got into dozens of facebook arguments over it. (he’s a cishet man btw) occasionally someone would say, “hey Brian aren’t you being a little bit sexist right now? criticizing Hillary so hard?”

WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! did you seriously just call Jezebel “18 Sanders Cult Members”????

trump’s leverage on repubs is that he will not endorse them when their term is up. they think his support is key to being reelected in their states.

in college when I had roommates i would set my sewing machine on a tight zig zag stitch so I was basically making a solid line. then i sewed an E into my towels.

I’ve been wondering where jaime lannister is for a while now.