The title was misleading...I thought it somehow involved a full biohazard team to clean the inside of the car.
The title was misleading...I thought it somehow involved a full biohazard team to clean the inside of the car.
So... “Zagwyn told users she and her husband tried to help the driver, but he was too far gone in his breakdown.”
Instead, she went and posted this video on TikTok which will likely get the driver fired, just so she can get views.
You know, so she can “help” the driver.
Don’t try to help others, just film it and post it…
Elon Musk is L. Ron Hubbard making cars, and his acolytes are blind lemmings.
I was a high school freshman, no car. My buddy, a senior, had one: a puke green Fiat, model undetermined. But he loved it. It was old and rickety, but it got us around.
One of my biggest passenger peeves is people who feel it necessary to touch the glass when pointing something out. “There it is, on the right! Taptaptaptaptap!” I keep a clean car, so this is irritating especially on trips.
Unless I’m looking at that gauge pic wrong (and I hope I am) you took that pic while driving along at 70+ MPH (or KPH)?
That is cool. And what happens when the kid wrecks and Mommy and Daddy decide to sue the neighbor?
Did you forget William Shatner’s spine-tingling rendition of “Rocket Man?”
I absolutely love this show. But, with the way the past few seasons were, I forgot one important plot point: why Sybil was so hell-bent on finding Fitz.
I absolutely love this show. But, with the way the past few seasons were, I forgot one important plot point: why Sybil was so hell-bent on finding Fitz.
IIRC, he and Simmons were captured by the Chronicoms to invent time-travel to save their planet.
He said it couldn’t be done, Simmons said yes.
Enoch helped them escape,…
Why does almost every automotive video on youtube have to have some lame-ass music playing over the best parts of the engine noise?
It’s like a DJ yammering over the beginning of a cool song.
GM making life-support devices?
Obviously it belongs to a Scientologist.
Who would have thought steering left made one an athlete?
I see about two dozen terrible parking jobs. To which one does this article refer? Maybe circle the car for the readers?
Am I the only one who thought the answers might be “rust” or “an oil leak?”
I was called for jury duty 2 days after my Mom died, and the family was still reeling. There were arrangements to be made, while I was the only caregiver for my elderly father, who was devastated by her death.
After explaining this very clearly and eloquently to the court, I was told: “Well, can’t you get one of your…