cant get black people to stop either.
cant get black people to stop either.
are they disproportionately breaking the... cannabis... laws as well?
or they didnt want to get fired/sued for assaulting a customer?
why didnt she just give him a straw?
‘thafuck is a preston garvy?
this is why always online is horrible.
no, just connecting game consoles to them was.
watching someone play video games may be even more boring than watching paint dry,... or soccer.
who cares. legalize it all. tax it, use those taxes for the people who want treatment. let the rest die out of the gene pool.
why cant making billions of dollars a year be enough profit for netflix? shareholders are the worst. oh, and i have avoided paying apple for years by not buying any of their crappy products.
so, the first lego castle was yellow because if it was gray, people would make tanks. then lego said they wouldnt make “modern guns”. i see their stance has softened again.
outside of porn, what files do people even have?
i use hangouts, because i can message through my computer as well. typing on phones has gone downhill since the death of physical keyboards.
it was fine until everyone abused it. now adblock and screw them all.
hangouts was better when it could read texts as well. but most everyone i know uses hangouts anyways. i rarely get texts, so... never even knew facebook had a messenger program, let alone would want to let them data mine my conversations.... not that google probably doesnt, but we can just assume they do i spose.
pressing the 5 key 3 times to get an “L”?
what is facebook messenger? doesnt everyone just use hangouts?
would you rather game devs released unfinished games like bethesda? but it would be nice if devs didnt put out trailers for games before they are even remotely ready to release them. i bought a PS4 for days gone.... it is looking like at this rate, that game wont come out until the PS5 comes out. what a waste of a…
it is ok, because apple knows best. they will let you know what you need to know.
first, you never go ATM. second, data is how google makes money. same as facebook. same as every other tech company that doesnt sell a product, but is worth billions.