Zip Martini

I do think there’s a valid point of contention: if Xbox disappears as a hardware choice, the digital libraries that Xbox gamers have amassed since the 360 era — especially the third-party titles — won’t carry over to that Xbox-console-less generation. Xbox The Platform lives on... but if one digitally purchased, say,

The URL for that search in a web browser is:

Now playing

As great as the first GTA4 “Pruit Igoe” trailer is, nothing beats the final teaser. After months of comedic teaser drops introducing side characters like Vlad, Manny, Roman, Packie, and finally Playboy X (who reminds us that “Jesus, he killed people… he killed that John the Baptist cat”), the world was itching to see

I know this is a hot take, but I’ve always felt that the Red War storyline was a pretty poor onboarding experience itself, but the point is moot because it can no longer be played. Instead, Destiny 1 is still available, and its storyline about the Black Garden is more relevant to Destiny today (and The Final Shape)

Actually, no, it doesn’t work that way. The Supreme Court declares whether something is a right according to the Constitution. If it is a right, the government must allow it, and no law can be passed to deny it. If it’s not a right, the government may or may not allow it... it’s up to them to pass a law one way or the

Tell me you haven’t been to a kink event in the last ten years without telling me you haven’t been to a kink event in the last ten years.

Unfortunately, a growing part of this kind of thing is what to do about security. How will you handle it if one of your guests says that another violated their consent? What will you do if someone comes up to you and say, “I wish I’d known you’d invited Joe before I got here; he’s had complaints come out of other

This looks like one of those video game consoles they sell at CVS, up on the top rack above the Pop-Tarts.

Bow ties are cool.

And as for the “bare majority” point: don’t let the titles and the committees fool you... 48 Democrats vs. 50 Republicans and 2 DINOs is not a majority. 

Another bit of confusion: if you hop back and forth between your PC and a console, some of that content (namely, the season passes) are tied to your Bungie account, but some of those (the expansions) are platform-only.

[checks list for Jet Set Radio Future]
[goes back to waiting]

They don’t need to go off. When he returns, we may see on the field how much his offensive line appreciates his concern for their lives, health, and that of their families, not to mention their livelihoods.

Also worth noting: to register a road as “driven on,” you have to change every single pixel on that road from grey to white/orange. The draw radius is generous, but make sure there’s isn’t a little grey speck left over. If you leave it until later, when you’re down to two streets left and you’re sure you’ve hit them

Also in the “Why should the rest of America care” category: should currently-88-year-old California senator Dianne Feinstein pull an RIP RBG while Larry Elder is governor, he has promised to appoint a Republican replacement and give his party a 51-49 majority in the Senate. Lord knows the Democrats aren’t doing much

Well, it seems like you could plug a USB keyboard into it and run Workbench off of a thumb drive, if that’s your thing. I don’t know why you would do that for $140 when, as you said, a Pi cost a lot less. I’d have to see some benchmarks between the two (Shadow of the Beast is always a good test).

What would Clint Flicker say about this?

Another Pacer backer here.  I’m glad it finally came to Xbox but, yeah, there’s something in Wipeout’s secret sauce that’s missing.

Sure, rhino/turtle/walrus/cavy people.

I guess the most important piece of information here is that almost all of the rewards from Forsaken and Shadowkeep (both weapons and armor) have had a ceiling placed on their power level, making them irrelevant to the current state of the game. You’d probably just be best off jumping right into Beyond Light and