
@AnonymousAA: Your point is now moot since there are choices now. I really don't know what else the man has to do to convince you that they are continuously working on improving the Antenna. This design failed at one thing and improved many others. Is this how you reward people for thinking outside the box?

@Aunt_Snowman: I bet all the other companies are working on the same crack.

@RandomIdiot: Just to be clear, the problem was acknowledged. They said it exist on most, if not all phones.

@Piledriver: Didn't noticed until you said it. I bet he'll go change his handle now.

@Dirtball Rotten: The problem was indeed acknowledged. They said the problem happens to every phone and they also said they messed up by giving the iPhone 4 a target where you can point at as the source of the problem.

@Monty: Very insightful. There is a "reality distortion field" but it is not located where mostly everyone in Giz thinks it is. It is actually located right here in the Giz comments.

I personally liked and I'm satisfied with their response. Free case or return the device or wait till later this year when they've had enough time to redesign the damn thing. You have choices people. Your complains were warranted before today. Not any more.

@Kuro: A bit disingenuous but thats about the most truthiness you'll see from any company.

Now thats more like it. Fix it fast. I don't like being conscious of where the sensor is on my ear any more than where the pinky is.

Your point is that this solution is less adequate than the others? Whoa. How long did it take for those other issues to get worked out? In MS xbox case 1 yr and half. You have the audacity to diminish this? Just whoa.

Damn. The Consumer Reports pics showed the engineer in some kind of basement.

The HDTV of choice in Bizzaro's pad.

I'm impressed Giz. Thanks Brian Lam. You have left the Fox-like propaganda behind, at least until 10 o'clock.

I knew the iPhone 4 camera was nice but now I know it's actually pristine. Even the s90 only comes to par with it.

Depending on what happens tomorrow this article will either be the gospel or a perfect example of revenue generating propaganda. I hope it's the latter because I'd hate to see one of the only companies people actually like go down in flames over stubbornly refusing to fix a nuisance in their product and if that's the

@Destinysface: Theres quite a bit. There wouldn't be two different apps if there was no differences. Google Earth is simply more interactive than maps. Has more info on landmarks. Has many layers that can be added on top.

@JAlexoid: Criticism is always fine and dandy. How is anyone supposed to improve anything without criticism? The point of argument here is whether to recall a phone or not over an issue that will not kill anybody and does not affect a majority of users. A stalling engine can kill a person. Unless this thing is

@Destinysface: I know. But it's not quite like google earth.

@Mikestan: I guess we'll have to wait till Friday.