One day HTC will leave the cheap plastic and do something out of character like this. One day.
One day HTC will leave the cheap plastic and do something out of character like this. One day.
@Firebird: You are not a jerk but you are short sighted. The free bumper petition is not just people demanding free stuff because there's a chance they can get it, it's about a company taking responsibility for their product and make it work as advertised, whether that would require a bumper or some other fix. It…
@drmrw: That is an awesome idea. No need to fake it anymore. On demand excuses.
@Lord_Data: I was expecting a lot more as well. Maybe because the coins are all bronze and not gold. Maybe these are just an ancient pennies collection.
Thanks but I like having web, email, music, text, camera, video, everything. If this thing could be a tazer, please add that too. But hurry before I turn 70 and just don't give a hoot what these young whippersnappers are up to.
@Gigglebox: Why must you stereotype? Now half the people reading your comment actually believe you. Not cool.
@tealfixie: That is one small but extremely important point short sighted people often forget. Population density.
@Andy Mesa: You get it. Thanks. People need to stop with the whining and remember the average consumer wants something that works every time. The Giz reader is anything but average.
@DarqWolff: I know. I know. My little girl wanted to go see a movie and I thought I'd give it one more go.
@Alluvian: Avatar, How to train your dragon, UP, saw them all in 3D and liked them. Throw in some comfortable glasses and I wouldn't paying extra for those.
@cheap geek: Happy? Hardly. I hate commercials, targeted advertising, inbeded advertising, magical/revolutionary labeling, all of it. The problem is that this is a fact of the times we live in. We can't escape it. I just think it's really silly for someone to bash company X for dedicating the time…
Last movie I watch in 3D. Not worth it at all. Plus this movie was plain bad, mostly physical humor.
They obviously came to see the new Apple Store in China.
So companies shouldn't try to differentiate their products from others?
@Bramsey89: The biggest, most ginormous shadow you've ever seen and will likely ever see.
It only makes sense the printed word should be faster to read. However, the difference is probably negligible if you take into account things that are faster on an ebook like: dictionary lookup, never losing your bookmark, and having all your books with you in one device.
Some of you guys commenting need to be a bit more civil. Telling people to return the iPhone or STFU is a bit naive and contributes nothing to the argument. After all that is the point of visiting a blog and commenting on an interesting article. These dissatisfied customers are voicing their opinions on a gadget they…
@jaredthelobster: Actually, you might be surprised to find that most iPhone owners, even early adopters, don't read blogs like Giz.
Typical PR games. Never admit your mistakes. Deny guilt until you die. And create controversy until nobody cares and everyone forgets what the issue was.
@Celtic1888: Tea parties! Classic.