@Curves: No lie. My wife loves to do garage sales and I've learned not to participate since I'll just end up getting pissed when I see a favorite shirt of mine being taken away by a stranger.
@Curves: No lie. My wife loves to do garage sales and I've learned not to participate since I'll just end up getting pissed when I see a favorite shirt of mine being taken away by a stranger.
You should lose the voice line, otherwise you will end up using your plan minutes when you are on wifi. Besides, try to imagine syncing the voice from cell towerw with a wifi video stream. Not pretty.
@Faxmonkey: I refuse to get the black one. I've already been teased, can't go back now. Hopefully, someone will put out an announcement soon cause I don't want to wait in line and then be told the white one is delayed. I would be steaming piss.
@TheHawkMirage: There will probably be no line by the time you get your iPhone after ordering online.
Where is the white iPhone?
This will be great if they can pull it off. Servers seem toe going down even when high traffic is expected (apple, AT&T), I can only imagine full blown HD graphics and audio over the pipe.
If these companies want our money so bad just come out with some great games and stop the gimmicks. I'm secretly wishing for 3d, ps move, and kinect to go down in flames. Wait, I might give a chance to kinect cause it might actually teach some of us a few new dance moves.
Grass and grabble make for perfect subjects to test a camera's ability. Really? Is that the best they could've done?
Just wait you guys. The real change will come when 4G LTE arrives. That's when they'll try to grab us by the balls.
Those Sloveinans looked like they were dancing merengue with the Americans.
@Brak: Wow. He's seriously making like 3 different sounds at the same time.
Totally agree. When is Apple going to listen? Oh, yeah, when we stop buying their stuff.
Wow. The only thing that could top this is Steve Jobs front row at the unveiling of some uber-fantastic Flash version with the same look in his face. Since that will never happen, this is as good as it's ever going to get.
Please use this to replace those automated customer service reps. Useless.
@kerry: I knew I should've included husbands. My apologies to you, you are a goddess among women.
Finally, now we can justify to the wives and moms and dads why we must spend $500 in 'toys'.
Thanks for giving me another reason not to bother with this.
@Peter Shultz: Well written. Couldn't agree more.
@Skyman113: Ask that to the guys that are dead after playing for more than 24 hrs straight.
@ModernBawhair: Nooooo. Then we'll have pretend holograms (shooting projector image into a smoke screen).