
AAVE is neither woke nor sleep. Forms of communication are only sleep when they're dead, or at least reduced to ecclesiastical Latin level.

good question! awaiting answer too.

She's cute and all, but my wife says if you shake hands with her, it would feel like a lil rat hand.

Are you missing my point? I'm saying that there were more "types" of white people than the douchebag frat types. I neglected to mention Coco's white friends who, along with Gabe's friends seem to be the most level headed in the entire show. This show most definitely doesn't make the mistake of ascribing the frat

Thanks for that. Well reasoned and written. I too love the character nuance.

That's (1988) when I graduated from College! DOH

My daughter and her friends speak in rapid fire thousand dollar sentences that have me "getting" the reference minutes later after they've morphed three subjects over.
These lingos pop up in colleges throughout the world where they're virtually isolated from the masses and intellect and success is prized.

But these things do happen. Plus they weren't the only white people represented on the show. You have Gabe, one of the most level headed guys on the show, Gabe's friends, the drunken athlete stereotype dude, and….was the satire mag writer also a frat dude? Anyway, there were more than just frat guys.

I wonder if you will come back to these comments and read below.

"Run" means " to give up during a robbery". "Run" was used in NY for years.

This is all very punny.

I saw that ages ago and then again in 1994 while in London. It's a great work of television.
It stuck me how serious and attentive my Brit. friends were while watching it in London and how uninterested my friends here were, and this was a group who all loved the Burns' Civil War doc.

Wrecka Stow?

Take out Melody Cool?
When I was born there were tidal waves!

…or maybe she did but they were busy or maybe she did but their music didn't fit what she was trying to do?
She did a tour last year with an all women band and lots of women roadies. But of course, that was a year ago so…

You're ignoring the fact that you're obviously not in her demographic Nor will some of those young ladies who are in her demo be ever familiar with the myriad of literature which covers some of this-albeit differently- and the fact that everyone hasn't attended AA courses but instead have LIVED it and are glad to have

…part of the human experience which black women don't encounter? or…?
If you know anything about body politics, then you wouldn't say that. I mean there's a reason why she's got Serena there too. or have you been missing all the hatred thrown their way because they have voluptuous bodies and they're not twig sticks

In the pop world, "New" spans what, thirty years?
Plus I see evidence of both. This was fresh and completely different from anything anyone has done at least since Alice Walker and still it's not a rip off of "The Third Life of Grange Copeland" either. Similar angst and trouble, but I would have to ask what would

Beyonce never was cheated on? Nor was her body a pincushion for all sorts of body politics. Too fat, too skinny, ugly too light skinned, not as good as the next singer, too revealing, too goody-two -shoes. Geesh how could you possibly know what ails another person?

Really, you would have to ask her. I'm sure she has her own story about marginalization.
Why would a rich person be any different. Ask Barack and Michelle how many times in the last eight years if they were…if you've been paying attention then you would know the answer. It doesn't always have to be about a drinking