
…and not much is new under the sun. Beyonce's demograpic don't all listen to Bessie Smith, Sarah Vaughn or read Morrison or Hurston with as much furvor as they listen to Bey. She's one of their own and represents them through song in a way that only current pop can do.
It doesn't have to ascend to Hurston to be vital

I agree whole heartedly.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying MJ wasn't a stellar entertainer, the best even. What I'm saying is that his performance in that role wasn't nearly as ground breaking and awe inspiring as his work on his own productions.
He died shortly afer the Wiz.
Death by surgery.
Some extremely talented white guy took over for

it wasn't like he really fired up that role. He was good as always but someone else could've done just as well.

No, she was a school teacher, but i guess she could've been a spinster as well. Either way, she's ruined several things from the bedroom. besides messing up the Supremes she's extremely difficult in the studio and an undeserved diva acting mean person.