
No, no. You’re just mistaken.

Arya’s travels weren’t normal for the reasons I’ve already outlined —multiple destinations, backroads, on foot, repeated waylays and captures. With few exceptions, every other character has traveled by carriage, caravan, single horse rider, ship, or dragonback with a specific destination in mind.

The pace of Arya’s travels seems like an odd gripe. She was repeatedly captured and waylaid and traveling back roads on foot. She also does arrive at several destinations —Harrenhal, the inn at the crossroads, The Twins, The Eyrie— and moves on quickly afterward.

Fine. I’ll make a Kinja account. I used to have an account back in the Disqus days, but never bothered to make a new one, until now, because I have to share this moment with some people, celebrating one of my favorite shows - and some of my favorite reviews of said show.

I wish we saw a bit more of them in college cause I wanna know how they got from “don’t call me again” to “will you marry me”.

Seriously? Can’t Rebecca help out with Randall and Beth’s kids? I mean, I know she’s not around the corner but couldn’t she stay with them 2-3 nights a week until the school year is done?

My wife’s theory is that coming out may cause some unintended emotional trauma to Tess, since it happens to coincide with the beginning of the end of her parent’s marriage. It not hard to imagine Tess putting some of the blame on herself. It’s obviously not in any way her fault (right now I’m thinking it’s at least

It’s also what many people will say when their kids come out. Beth and Randall aren’t perfect. This was realistic if disappointing. 

I agree, but I’d also argue it’s something that a lot of LGBTQ teens heard. I think it was a very purposeful choice to have Kate have the “this changes nothing” view of their conversation and Beth/Randall to be more “It’s fine” but clearly working through something. It is frankly truer to life. Their reaction was

I have never been a fan of Kate but she particularly annoyed me this week.

Doctor: You need to do less sitting during your pregnancy.

Actually, I found this ep of TIU quite powerful and Randall’s storyline particularly compelling.

Hot take, but the Darryl Rebecca storyline was completely one sided and just continued to give this huge pass to Darryl that he’s been coasting on the entire series. No Darryl you were not “trying”. You outed Rebecca for having a mental disorder and undergoing therapy to a stranger at a restaurant. I would hate to see

Prose before hoes.

I just hope they don’t fall into the same trap as most recent adaptations for kids and try to make it for “today’s kids.” The best works can capture the imaginations of kids of any era - that’s why this book has lasted so long, after all. Hell, I grew up in the 1990s, and I remember loving the reruns of The Muppet

I know snark is the AV Club’s thing so I’m trying not to take this too seriously, but I can’t agree at all that the Phantom Tollbooth - one of my all time favourite kids’ books - is about pedantry. It’s ultimately about the boundless wonder of knowledge: vast expanses of words, literally endless numbers, and the way

Phantom Tollbooth is and alive and open to all kinds of possibilities, like the tastes for letters you mention, it’s the opposite of closed-off pedantry and that’s what makes it such a wonderful classic. So yeah, I don’t know what the fuck Hughes is going on about here. Maybe his brain broke from the shifting of sand

I feel like this movie could only work as a minimalist hand drawn type thing.

Remember Carolyn told Eve she thought that whoever the assassin is, they have started to show off. I think Villanelle is stalking Eve because she realizes that Eve “gets her”. In order to link all those murders together through many different countries it means Eve had to see the pattern. It means Eve sees what