Sigh. You know the answer to this. Nerd pandering by girls is the easiest, 100% foolproof way to get views on YouTube.
I admit AJ wasn't as good, but non-canon? Ouch.
Phoenix actually gets a little girl to fight for him. Teeheehee.
You've never seen EA's sales have you. :P Especially with Dead Space
It's going to be $0.99 in less than a month.
What about iJustine?
Y2KGTP was unstarred
I left #whitenoise a month ago because I was getting frustrated with Gizmodo...and for some reason, I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would. I'm not sure why. :(
Sorry. :P
hntergren was unstarred
Battlefield 3 Beta Footage of the worst player ever (in Ultra and 1080p)
True, although i'm very nice to my hard disks. hmm.
So, my supercomputer can record 1080p @ 60FPS in FRAPS to my internal hard drive. This is because I only have a USB 2.0 connection to my external, so the throughput isn't enough to record video on that. (recording that video takes 80MB/sec worst case, USB 2.0 tops out at 60 MB/sec, so it bottlenecks)
Does this count as burning bridges?
Hmm, good point. :P
Stop it with the rhetorical headlines
Alyssa no longer works at Gizmodo according to the Twitter and the About Gizmodo page. It could possible be related to the article.
>_> <_<