Gizmodo has SEO optimization? lol
Gizmodo has SEO optimization? lol
The reddit thread revealed that Jon Finkel actually Googled Alyssa and thought she would be an interesting date due to her Ayn Rand article. Irony?
Two things to note due to recent events.
beat u
CBS News made a response to the story (which don't mention Finkel at all for professional reasons). Now you've hit the big leagues!
Approving for satire. literally Googled her?
I just found the reddit thread: []
I'm putting it on *my* dating profile now, for sure.
Your link didn't work: []
Who's RobertoBaldwin?
I bet she never played Zelda.
Gizmodo does not apologize. Ever. (see: Diaz's taco meat incident)
Again, she's writing on a tech blog. For nerds. #baffle
Alyssa is an intern at Gizmodo.
tylerbrainerd was unstarred
At $7 CPM for advertisement costs on Gizmodo, Alyssa made $973+ so far from outing Jon Finkel. To put things in perspective.